Dit zijn de officiële leaderboards voor de qualifiers (laatste update: 15-12-2023 om 20:00 uur).

Overall RankingNameGym / AffiliateOverall Points23.1 - Ranking23.1 - Score23.2A - Ranking23.2A - Score23.2B - Ranking23.2B - Score23.3 - Ranking23.3 - Score23.4 - Ranking23.4 - Score
6Sander van den HurkWaalfront38055th (230 reps) - (13:58)1111th (120 reps) - (04:37)1717th (99 kg)44th (151 reps) - (15:00)11st (290 reps) - (06:17)
3Dennis SchaffelsCrossFit Climbers Cabin27066th (230 reps) - (14:08)44th (120 reps) - (04:01)88th (110 kg)77th (147 reps) - (15:00)22nd (290 reps) - (06:22)
1Menno RaasCrossFit MCA22044th (230 reps) - (13:55)77th (120 reps) - (04:11)44th (117 kg)44th (151 reps) - (15:00)33rd (290 reps) - (06:58)
5Rens SmitCrossFit NIMBL31011st (230 reps) - (13:01)1010th (120 reps) - (04:29)77th (111 kg)99th (132 reps) - (15:00)44th (290 reps) - (07:19)
10Vincent ReuverGymbokx Helmond49077th (230 reps) - (14:22)88th (120 reps) - (04:20)1515th (101 kg)1414th (127 reps) - (15:00)55th (290 reps) - (07:31)
10Niels van TilborgCrossFit MCA4901818th (0 reps) - (20:00)1212th (120 reps) - (04:45)1111th (105 kg)22nd (158 reps) - (15:00)66th (290 reps) - (07:54)
12Allard de HeerImpact Sports Academy5801616th (230 reps) - (16:59)1616th (120 reps) - (05:37)22nd (123 kg)1717th (95 reps) - (15:00)77th (290 reps) - (07:59)
7Jarno de RooijenCrossFit MCA43088th (230 reps) - (14:23)66th (120 reps) - (04:10)99th (106 kg)1212th (128 reps) - (15:00)88th (290 reps) - (08:51)
4Luuk TeurlinxCrossFit Duketown3001111th (230 reps) - (15:32)11st (120 reps) - (03:47)11st (125 kg)88th (134 reps) - (15:00)99th (290 reps) - (09:27)
9Bart van den WijngaardImpact Sports Academy48099th (230 reps) - (14:28)99th (120 reps) - (04:21)99th (106 kg)1111th (130 reps) - (15:00)1010th (290 reps) - (11:16)
1John van PeltCrossFit MCA22022nd (230 reps) - (13:19)33rd (120 reps) - (03:53)55th (116 kg)11st (161 reps) - (15:00)1111th (290 reps) - (11:52)
8Bram de HaasCrossFit MCA4401313th (230 reps) - (16:14)1313th (120 reps) - (04:50)33rd (118 kg)33rd (155 reps) - (15:00)1212th (289 reps) - (TB: 08:50)
15Koen WildenbergCrossFit Duketown6901717th (230 reps) - (18:14)1414th (120 reps) - (04:58)1111th (105 kg)1414th (127 reps) - (15:00)1313th (289 reps) - (TB: 09:30)
16Vinoth LavanSED CrossFit7201515th (230 reps) - (16:57)1717th (120 reps) - (06:17)1414th (102 kg)1212th (128 reps) - (15:00)1414th (229 reps) - (TB: 09:13)
13Arnoud DamsteegtSED CrossFit6601010th (230 reps) - (14:45)55th (120 reps) - (04:03)1818th (95 kg)1818th (0 reps) - (15:00)1515th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
14Roy MeierSED CrossFit6701313th (230 reps) - (16:14)1818th (120 reps) - (06:23)1111th (105 kg)1010th (131 reps) - (15:00)1515th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
17Cas van EerselFITTR CrossFit7401212th (230 reps) - (16:02)1515th (120 reps) - (05:14)1616th (100 kg)1616th (111 reps) - (15:00)1515th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
Overall RankingNameGym / AffiliateOverall Points23.1 - Ranking23.1 - Score23.2A - Ranking23.2A - Score23.2B - Ranking23.2B - Score23.3 - Ranking23.3 - Score23.4 - Ranking23.4 - Score
4Karen DirksenCrossFit FNX21022nd (230 reps) - (15:02)66th (0 reps) - (08:00)66th (0 kg)66th (110 reps) - (15:00)11st (290 reps) - (10:50)
1Marit de HaanImpact Sports Academy8011st (230 reps) - (14:22)11st (120 reps) - (05:20)11st (66 kg)33rd (135 reps) - (15:00)22nd (235 reps) - (TB: 11:48)
5Marjolein Ansems - HofImpact Sports Academy22055th (230 reps) - (16:31)55th (120 reps) - (06:15)44th (53 kg)55th (125 reps) - (15:00)33rd (232 reps) - (TB: 09:14)
2Yara BreukersImpact Sports Academy12033rd (230 reps) - (16:03)22nd (120 reps) - (05:24)22nd (64 kg)11st (136 reps) - (15:00)44th (176 reps) - (TB: 04:59)
3Marissa BreedijkRAWFIT16044th (230 reps) - (16:22)33rd (120 reps) - (05:30)33rd (56 kg)11st (136 reps) - (15:00)55th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
6Eefje DriessenGymbokx Helmond24066th (230 reps) - (16:39)44th (120 reps) - (05:31)55th (45 kg)44th (133 reps) - (15:00)55th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
Overall RankingNameGym / AffiliateOverall Points23.1 - Ranking23.1 - Score23.2A - Ranking23.2A - Score23.2B - Ranking23.2B - Score23.3 - Ranking23.3 - Score23.4 - Ranking23.4 - Score
7Alex van GurpCrossFit MCA50011st (230 reps) - (17:01)77th (120 reps) - (06:04)2222nd (80 kg)11st (139 reps) - (15:00)1919th (152 reps) - (TB: 07:56)
13Eric VerheijenCrossFit Zuid7501616th (223 reps) - (12:28)2424th (111 reps) - (08:00)1717th (85 kg)22nd (138 reps) - (15:00)1616th (153 reps) - (TB: 05:54)
21Jorrit HuizengaSED CrossFit8901919th (221 reps) - (12:45)1616th (120 reps) - (07:09)2929th (65 kg)33rd (129 reps) - (15:00)2222nd (152 reps) - (TB: 10:21)
3Luuk van den bergImpact Sports Academy31077th (230 reps) - (18:11)55th (120 reps) - (05:20)1010th (91 kg)44th (127 reps) - (15:00)55th (190 reps) - (10:08)
12Dick van DongenCrossFit MCA7002626th (206 reps) - (14:36)99th (120 reps) - (06:14)1717th (85 kg)44th (127 reps) - (15:00)1414th (163 reps) - (TB: 11:27)
17Wouter BöhmerImpact Sports Academy8302323rd (216 reps) - (13:51)1919th (120 reps) - (07:28)2525th (76 kg)44th (127 reps) - (15:00)1212th (189 reps) - (TB: 09:05)
1Berat VarsakImpact Sports Academy21044th (230 reps) - (17:32)22nd (120 reps) - (04:59)44th (106 kg)77th (126 reps) - (15:00)44th (190 reps) - (09:44)
4Bastijn van GageldonkFITTR CrossFit35022nd (230 reps) - (17:14)66th (120 reps) - (05:29)1717th (85 kg)88th (123 reps) - (15:00)22nd (190 reps) - (07:43)
10Ruben in 't VeldCrossFit MCA6102222nd (220 reps) - (14:14)88th (120 reps) - (06:11)55th (103,5 kg)88th (123 reps) - (15:00)1818th (152 reps) - (TB: 05:52)
11Bram van der ZwetBreda CrossFit6401717th (222 reps) - (13:30)1414th (120 reps) - (06:46)1212th (90 kg)1010th (120 reps) - (15:00)1111th (189 reps) - (TB: 08:33)
9Olivier de WaalImpact Sports Academy5601212th (230 reps) - (18:57)1111th (120 reps) - (06:20)2020th (81 kg)1010th (120 reps) - (15:00)33rd (190 reps) - (09:14)
6Luigi PolakImpact Sports Academy4701010th (230 reps) - (18:55)1010th (120 reps) - (06:16)77th (100,5 kg)1212th (115 reps) - (15:00)88th (189 reps) - (TB: 08:12)
19Thomas DamenImpact Sports Academy8801414th (230 reps) - (19:48)2727th (103 reps) - (08:00)1010th (91 kg)1212th (115 reps) - (15:00)2525th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
2Tommy BiemansImpact Sports Academy23022nd (230 reps) - (17:14)33rd (120 reps) - (05:04)33rd (110,5 kg)1414th (112 reps) - (15:00)11st (190 reps) - (06:28)
5Nick van NimwegenCrossFit MCA41066th (230 reps) - (18:09)44th (120 reps) - (05:07)99th (96 kg)1515th (111 reps) - (15:00)77th (189 reps) - (TB: 06:20)
8Jamie StamImpact Sports Academy53055th (230 reps) - (17:40)1212th (120 reps) - (06:25)1515th (88 kg)1515th (111 reps) - (15:00)66th (190 reps) - (10:29)
18Matti de BruijnFITTR CrossFit8602121st (220 reps) - (13:19)1818th (120 reps) - (07:26)66th (103,4 kg)1717th (110 reps) - (15:00)2424th (120 reps) - (TB: 11:46)
16Rick AdriaensenImpact Sports Academy7901313th (230 reps) - (19:00)1313th (120 reps) - (06:40)2727th (71 kg)1717th (110 reps) - (15:00)99th (189 reps) - (TB: 08:16)
23Niek VoermansCrossFit MCA9202525th (206 reps) - (14:05)2525th (110 reps) - (08:00)88th (100 kg)1717th (110 reps) - (15:00)1717th (153 reps) - (TB: 07:51)
28Jim FurtjesUnbroken CrossFit & Fight Academy12002424th (209 reps) - (14:09)2929th (79 reps) - (08:00)2222nd (80 kg)2020th (109 reps) - (15:00)2525th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
14Jose Maria Diaz RiofrioCrossFit Duketown7702020th (221 reps) - (13:29)11st (120 reps) - (04:46)2222nd (80 kg)2121st (108 reps) - (15:00)1313th (189 reps) - (TB: 10:15)
25Guus CornelFITTR CrossFit10301818th (221 reps) - (12:15)2828th (97 reps) - (08:00)1212th (90 kg)2222nd (107 reps) - (15:00)2323rd (129 reps) - (TB: 10:26)
19Rinaldo SuijkImpact Sports Academy8802727th (205 reps) - (13:48)2121st (120 reps) - (07:46)22nd (113 kg)2323rd (106 reps) - (15:00)1515th (154 reps) - (TB: 11:40)
24AJ MendozaCrossFit Down to Earth93088th (230 reps) - (18:51)1515th (120 reps) - (06:51)2626th (75 kg)2424th (99 reps) - (15:00)2020th (152 reps) - (TB: 09:39)
15George ZografosCrossFit AKA78099th (230 reps) - (18:53)2222nd (120 reps) - (07:59)1212th (90 kg)2525th (96 reps) - (15:00)1010th (189 reps) - (TB: 08:32)
29Nicky van OorschotCrossFit Climbers Cabin12602828th (205 reps) - (14:06)2323rd (113 reps) - (08:00)2828th (70 kg)2626th (92 reps) - (15:00)2121st (152 reps) - (TB: 10:13)
21David PotterCrossFit Amsterdam8901010th (230 reps) - (18:55)2626th (109 reps) - (08:00)11st (116 kg)2727th (0 reps) - (15:00)2525th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
26Ties KripsKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub10701515th (224 reps) - (13:59)2020th (120 reps) - (07:36)2020th (81 kg)2727th (0 reps) - (15:00)2525th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
27Dethleff SnelImpact Sports Academy11402929th (202 reps) - (12:56)1717th (120 reps) - (07:24)1616th (86 kg)2727th (0 reps) - (15:00)2525th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
30Pim VerharenFITTR CrossFit14203030th (0 reps) - (20:00)3030th (0 reps) - (08:00)3030th (0 kg)2727th (0 reps) - (15:00)2525th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
Overall RankingNameGym / AffiliateOverall Points23.1 - Ranking23.1 - Score23.2A - Ranking23.2A - Score23.2B - Ranking23.2B - Score23.3 - Ranking23.3 - Score23.4 - Ranking23.4 - Score
1Janneke SchoenmakersUnaffiliated13022nd (230 reps) - (17:25)22nd (120 reps) - (06:43)11st (63 kg)77th (128 reps) - (15:00)11st (190 reps) - (08:51)
2Tess van der MaadeFITTR CrossFit24011st (230 reps) - (17:13)1010th (120 reps) - (07:46)99th (53,98 kg)22nd (145 reps) - (15:00)22nd (190 reps) - (10:04)
3Simone PostCrossFit YouAct30044th (230 reps) - (19:22)88th (120 reps) - (07:38)1414th (50 kg)11st (146 reps) - (15:00)33rd (190 reps) - (11:47)
4Susan BokmaKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub38088th (223 reps) - (13:05)1313th (120 reps) - (07:57)22nd (62 kg)1111th (122 reps) - (15:00)44th (189 reps) - (TB: 09:40)
8Judith BrugmanUnbroken CrossFit & Fight Academy4401111th (210 reps) - (13:44)55th (120 reps) - (07:06)88th (55 kg)1515th (108 reps) - (15:00)55th (189 reps) - (TB: 10:03)
6Laura BooijSED CrossFit3901717th (204 reps) - (12:59)99th (120 reps) - (07:42)33rd (58 kg)44th (133 reps) - (15:00)66th (166 reps) - (TB: 10:58)
9Veerle CouwenbergImpact Sports Academy46033rd (230 reps) - (17:39)1414th (113 reps) - (08:00)1212th (50,5 kg)1010th (124 reps) - (15:00)77th (157 reps) - (TB: 11:28)
9Laura van der KoolCrossFit Etten-Leur46055th (230 reps) - (19:26)1111th (120 reps) - (07:51)66th (57 kg)1616th (107 reps) - (15:00)88th (156 reps) - (TB: 11:40)
4Jolijn Van MeelKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub38099th (220 reps) - (13:49)77th (120 reps) - (07:34)77th (56 kg)66th (129 reps) - (15:00)99th (153 reps) - (TB: 08:33)
16Lindsey VerschurenThe Local Gym6701818th (201 reps) - (14:15)1818th (72 reps) - (08:00)44th (57,5 kg)1717th (101 reps) - (15:00)1010th (153 reps) - (TB: 08:45)
15Niké VlasblomCrossFit Etten-Leur6201616th (206 reps) - (14:46)66th (120 reps) - (07:30)1111th (51 kg)1818th (100 reps) - (15:00)1111th (152 reps) - (TB: 09:03)
12Angela Doorn0187 Barbell Gym51077th (224 reps) - (13:16)1515th (108 reps) - (08:00)44th (57,5 kg)1313th (114 reps) - (15:00)1212th (152 reps) - (TB: 09:53)
16Babette ElshoutRAWFIT6701010th (215 reps) - (14:05)1616th (106 reps) - (08:00)1616th (46 kg)1212th (119 reps) - (15:00)1313th (116 reps) - (TB: 05:01)
13Lynda StevensCrossFit Etten-Leur5701414th (208 reps) - (14:16)44th (120 reps) - (07:02)1717th (40 kg)88th (126 reps) - (15:00)1414th (115 reps) - (TB: 04:34)
7Barbara BoukalCrossFit Climbers Cabin41066th (225 reps) - (12:50)33rd (120 reps) - (07:01)1414th (50 kg)33rd (135 reps) - (15:00)1515th (114 reps) - (TB: 06:28)
11Debbie van DijkCrossFit MCA4901212th (210 reps) - (14:15)11st (120 reps) - (05:54)1212th (50,5 kg)88th (126 reps) - (15:00)1616th (114 reps) - (TB: 08:19)
13Willemijn MeierSED CrossFit5701313th (208 reps) - (13:52)1212th (120 reps) - (07:55)1010th (52 kg)55th (130 reps) - (15:00)1717th (75 reps) - (TB: 05:02)
18Dionne SloofCrossFit Woodline8201515th (207 reps) - (13:45)1717th (92 reps) - (08:00)1818th (33 kg)1414th (110 reps) - (15:00)1818th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
Overall RankingNameGym / AffiliateOverall Points23.1 - Ranking23.1 - Score23.2A - Ranking23.2A - Score23.2B - Ranking23.2B - Score23.3 - Ranking23.3 - Score23.4 - Ranking23.4 - Score
1Matthijs SchreursFit en Healthy12011st (230 reps) - (16:15)11st (120 reps) - (05:12)11st (155 kg)77th (129 reps) - (15:00)22nd (190 reps) - (07:14)
3Paul van LisdonkImpact Sports Academy29022nd (230 reps) - (16:16)22nd (120 reps) - (05:23)1212th (93 kg)22nd (139 reps) - (15:00)1111th (189 reps) - (TB: 12:00)
2Wouter HaijerSED CrossFit21044th (230 reps) - (17:44)66th (120 reps) - (05:56)66th (105 kg)22nd (139 reps) - (15:00)33rd (190 reps) - (08:01)
4Maarten van BeersRAWFIT3601717th (230 reps) - (19:56)77th (120 reps) - (06:05)22nd (115 kg)55th (130 reps) - (15:00)55th (190 reps) - (11:30)
5Bram NuitenCrossFit MCA38033rd (230 reps) - (16:29)55th (120 reps) - (05:45)1717th (87,5 kg)1212th (120 reps) - (15:00)11st (190 reps) - (06:45)
6Robbert SegerenCrossFit MCA4701111th (230 reps) - (19:39)88th (120 reps) - (06:09)1313th (90 kg)77th (129 reps) - (15:00)88th (189 reps) - (TB: 08:53)
7Pieter van den BergCrossFit Zuid54088th (230 reps) - (19:28)1010th (120 reps) - (06:19)2222nd (82,5 kg)55th (130 reps) - (15:00)99th (189 reps) - (TB: 09:52)
11Harald SestigCrossFit MCA69099th (230 reps) - (19:31)1212th (120 reps) - (06:25)1313th (90 kg)1111th (124 reps) - (15:00)2424th (115 reps) - (TB: 10:48)
9Jasper van den BoschCrossFit NIMBL5801515th (230 reps) - (19:50)33rd (120 reps) - (05:27)2626th (75 kg)44th (133 reps) - (15:00)1010th (189 reps) - (TB: 10:18)
12Wouter HeutmekersRAWFIT73055th (230 reps) - (18:33)44th (120 reps) - (05:35)3232nd (65 kg)77th (129 reps) - (15:00)2525th (114 reps) - (TB: 05:17)
8Dave van de WielKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub5501313th (230 reps) - (19:46)2020th (120 reps) - (07:14)66th (105 kg)1010th (125 reps) - (15:00)66th (190 reps) - (11:52)
10Ajanian OltmansCrossFit 141263066th (230 reps) - (18:35)2222nd (120 reps) - (07:19)55th (110 kg)1818th (114 reps) - (15:00)1212th (158 reps) - (TB: 11:50)
12Chris Van DijkCrossFit MCA7301212th (230 reps) - (19:45)1515th (120 reps) - (06:46)99th (96 kg)1818th (114 reps) - (15:00)1919th (152 reps) - (TB: 10:40)
16Berry MeuffelsUnaffiliated8402727th (210 reps) - (13:32)1111th (120 reps) - (06:20)44th (111 kg)2222nd (112 reps) - (15:00)2020th (152 reps) - (TB: 10:44)
15Ronald DuitsCrossletics Woerden7901818th (230 reps) - (19:59)99th (120 reps) - (06:13)2020th (83,5 kg)1818th (114 reps) - (15:00)1414th (152 reps) - (TB: 07:26)
20Raphaël NunumeteBlack Tree Training9802121st (221 reps) - (14:10)1919th (120 reps) - (07:08)2929th (71 kg)11st (157 reps) - (15:00)2828th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
14Remy Jean LeFITTR CrossFit7701010th (230 reps) - (19:37)1717th (120 reps) - (07:01)1717th (87,5 kg)2929th (97 reps) - (15:00)44th (190 reps) - (10:22)
21Marcel RooseMegga Fit Goes10402828th (210 reps) - (14:13)1313th (120 reps) - (06:29)1010th (95 kg)2525th (106 reps) - (15:00)2828th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
17Stephan ToetFITTR CrossFit9401515th (230 reps) - (19:50)2121st (120 reps) - (07:16)2828th (72,8 kg)1313th (117 reps) - (15:00)1717th (152 reps) - (TB: 09:19)
18Remco AnsemsImpact Sports Academy95077th (230 reps) - (18:46)2323rd (120 reps) - (07:23)3030th (70 kg)1717th (115 reps) - (15:00)1818th (152 reps) - (TB: 09:26)
22Tobias WolffFITTR CrossFit10602020th (224 reps) - (13:06)3232nd (100 reps) - (08:00)88th (101,65 kg)2323rd (109 reps) - (15:00)2323rd (115 reps) - (TB: 06:57)
24Misa PantovicCrossFit Amsterdam11302929th (209 reps) - (20:00)3030th (104 reps) - (08:00)22nd (115 kg)2424th (108 reps) - (15:00)2828th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
26Henri DonkersKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub11403131st (203 reps) - (14:36)1818th (120 reps) - (07:07)2323rd (82 kg)1414th (116 reps) - (15:00)2828th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
24Wouter StarinkCrossFit Etten-Leur11302424th (220 reps) - (13:20)3131st (102 reps) - (08:00)1313th (90 kg)1818th (114 reps) - (15:00)2727th (103 reps) - (TB: 08:14)
23Rob van OersCrossFit Etten-Leur10702626th (211 reps) - (14:30)1414th (120 reps) - (06:33)2121st (83 kg)2525th (106 reps) - (15:00)2121st (134 reps) - (TB: 09:22)
27Stef van den HamCrossFit Amsterdam11502222nd (221 reps) - (20:00)1616th (120 reps) - (06:51)1717th (87,5 kg)3232nd (85 reps) - (15:00)2828th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
19Fastert van BilsumFITTR CrossFit9603535th (191 reps) - (13:36)2929th (107 reps) - (08:00)1111th (94 kg)1414th (116 reps) - (15:00)77th (189 reps) - (TB: 08:40)
28Sun van KampenMegga Fit Goes11601414th (230 reps) - (19:47)2525th (120 reps) - (07:33)2424th (80 kg)3131st (96 reps) - (15:00)2222nd (116 reps) - (TB: 04:56)
30Raymond RenesCrossFit FNX12203434th (200 reps) - (13:50)2424th (120 reps) - (07:32)1313th (90 kg)2525th (106 reps) - (15:00)2626th (114 reps) - (TB: 08:00)
32Sander MakatitaKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub13101919th (225 reps) - (20:00)2626th (120 reps) - (07:37)2525th (77 kg)3333rd (0 reps) - (15:00)2828th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
29Danny BaxFITTR CrossFit11903232nd (201 reps) - (13:54)2727th (120 reps) - (07:40)3333rd (55 kg)1414th (116 reps) - (15:00)1313th (152 reps) - (TB: 07:06)
31Robin Verbeek0187 Barbell Gym12802525th (214 reps) - (13:33)3333rd (96 reps) - (08:00)2626th (75 kg)2828th (104 reps) - (15:00)1616th (152 reps) - (TB: 09:09)
33Harold van TwillertCrossFit Climbers Cabin13503333rd (201 reps) - (13:58)2828th (110 reps) - (08:00)3030th (70 kg)2929th (97 reps) - (15:00)1515th (152 reps) - (TB: 08:22)
34Ton SchravenKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub15202323rd (220 reps) - (13:18)3434th (0 reps) - (08:00)3434th (0 kg)3333rd (0 reps) - (15:00)2828th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
35Danny SchalkenFITTR CrossFit15903030th (208 reps) - (14:22)3434th (0 reps) - (08:00)3434th (0 kg)3333rd (0 reps) - (15:00)2828th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
36Mickey HinokeKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub16503636th (163 reps) - (09:25)3434th (0 reps) - (08:00)3434th (0 kg)3333rd (0 reps) - (15:00)2828th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
37Boy HoutmanCrossFit YouAct16603737th (0 reps) - (20:00)3434th (0 reps) - (08:00)3434th (0 kg)3333rd (0 reps) - (15:00)2828th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
Overall RankingNameGym / AffiliateOverall Points23.1 - Ranking23.1 - Score23.2A - Ranking23.2A - Score23.2B - Ranking23.2B - Score23.3 - Ranking23.3 - Score23.4 - Ranking23.4 - Score
8Dennis DitsCrossFit Rhoon5802626th (168 reps) - (15:00)55th (120 reps) - (05:15)44th (106,6 kg)2222nd (130 reps) - (15:00)11st (140 reps) - (07:17)
1Joris ThijsseCrossFit Duketown3001717th (180 reps) - (14:10)22nd (120 reps) - (04:09)88th (95 kg)11st (159 reps) - (15:00)22nd (140 reps) - (07:44)
3Quint VerheulS.O.R.40088th (187 reps) - (12:51)44th (120 reps) - (05:08)33rd (110 kg)2222nd (130 reps) - (15:00)33rd (140 reps) - (09:33)
24Yann van den BoomenThe Local Gym10803838th (156 reps) - (08:59)3333rd (100 reps) - (08:00)1313th (90 kg)2020th (132 reps) - (15:00)44th (140 reps) - (09:39)
9Juul MegensCrossFit Duketown6303535th (157 reps) - (15:00)11st (120 reps) - (04:04)1919th (85 kg)33rd (155 reps) - (15:00)55th (140 reps) - (09:56)
7Gijs AbbringFITTR CrossFit5702727th (167 reps) - (07:50)66th (120 reps) - (05:36)88th (95 kg)1010th (144 reps) - (15:00)66th (140 reps) - (10:12)
12Mike BosCrossFit 01747503131st (163 reps) - (08:29)1616th (120 reps) - (06:46)66th (100 kg)1515th (137 reps) - (15:00)77th (140 reps) - (10:36)
4Nicky AdvokaatCrossFit Nieuwendijk4201212th (184 reps) - (13:34)33rd (120 reps) - (04:36)1111th (92 kg)88th (148 reps) - (15:00)88th (140 reps) - (10:44)
15Nard HoefnagelsImpact Sports Academy88066th (190 reps) - (14:41)3131st (101 reps) - (08:00)2222nd (81 kg)2020th (132 reps) - (15:00)99th (140 reps) - (10:45)
21Jasper Willemse- de VriesFITTR CrossFit10402525th (169 reps) - (07:19)2424th (120 reps) - (07:59)1212th (91 kg)3333rd (125 reps) - (15:00)1010th (140 reps) - (11:20)
6René BrandenburgCrossFit Rijswijk55011st (196 reps) - (14:15)1111th (120 reps) - (06:18)55th (101 kg)2727th (128 reps) - (15:00)1111th (140 reps) - (11:26)
28Rein SmeetsFITTR CrossFit13603030th (164 reps) - (07:30)2828th (106 reps) - (08:00)4040th (56,25 kg)2626th (129 reps) - (15:00)1212th (140 reps) - (11:30)
2Edward van LigtenFITTR CrossFit3901111th (184 reps) - (13:29)1010th (120 reps) - (06:16)11st (111 kg)44th (153 reps) - (15:00)1313th (140 reps) - (11:33)
15Patrick TeeuwenCrossletics Woerden8801010th (185 reps) - (14:31)1919th (120 reps) - (07:21)1616th (87,5 kg)2929th (127 reps) - (15:00)1414th (140 reps) - (11:39)
35Remco HornmanCrossFit Etten-Leur14403737th (156 reps) - (08:27)2929th (105 reps) - (08:00)3636th (65 kg)2727th (128 reps) - (15:00)1515th (140 reps) - (11:59)
37Martijn van RijnGymbokx Helmond15302929th (165 reps) - (15:00)4040th (75 reps) - (08:00)3030th (70 kg)3838th (115 reps) - (15:00)1616th (139 reps) - (TB: 08:22)
22Rick MustersFITTR CrossFit10603232nd (161 reps) - (15:00)1414th (120 reps) - (06:40)2121st (81,6 kg)2222nd (130 reps) - (15:00)1717th (139 reps) - (TB: 08:40)
26Marcel GraafFITTR CrossFit13202828th (166 reps) - (14:46)3636th (92 reps) - (08:00)3434th (67,5 kg)1616th (135 reps) - (15:00)1818th (139 reps) - (TB: 08:50)
11Martijn van DijkRAWFIT7401515th (183 reps) - (19:36)99th (120 reps) - (06:13)2525th (75 kg)66th (151 reps) - (15:00)1919th (139 reps) - (TB: 09:00)
30Willem ZeilerFITTR CrossFit13803333rd (158 reps) - (07:33)3838th (79 reps) - (08:00)1818th (86 kg)2929th (127 reps) - (15:00)2020th (139 reps) - (TB: 09:10)
5Tom RijversRAWFIT46055th (190 reps) - (14:05)66th (120 reps) - (05:36)1010th (92,5 kg)44th (153 reps) - (15:00)2121st (139 reps) - (TB: 09:29)
33Remco DeleijCrossFit MCA14302020th (180 reps) - (14:48)3737th (80 reps) - (08:00)3030th (70 kg)3434th (123 reps) - (15:00)2222nd (139 reps) - (TB: 10:19)
23Eelko ZegersImpact Sports Academy107077th (189 reps) - (13:56)2323rd (120 reps) - (07:56)3737th (63 kg)1717th (133 reps) - (15:00)2323rd (139 reps) - (TB: 11:03)
10Yoran van DalsumRAWFIT71044th (193 reps) - (14:59)88th (120 reps) - (05:58)2525th (75 kg)1010th (144 reps) - (15:00)2424th (139 reps) - (TB: 11:30)
18Ralph BliekCrossFit Zuid9301818th (180 reps) - (14:30)2020th (120 reps) - (07:28)1313th (90 kg)1717th (133 reps) - (15:00)2525th (139 reps) - (TB: 13:19)
31Martijn LintCrossFit Climbers Cabin14003939th (156 reps) - (15:00)2020th (120 reps) - (07:28)2424th (77 kg)3131st (126 reps) - (15:00)2626th (135 reps) - (TB: 10:28)
28Jordi PellikaanKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub13601919th (180 reps) - (14:42)2424th (120 reps) - (07:59)3030th (70 kg)3636th (121 reps) - (15:00)2727th (126 reps) - (TB: 10:16)
17Klaas KousemakerRAWFIT9002121st (180 reps) - (14:54)1414th (120 reps) - (06:40)2525th (75 kg)22nd (156 reps) - (15:00)2828th (118 reps) - (TB: 11:50)
31Harvey SufrainCrossFit Etten-Leur14002424th (170 reps) - (15:00)3939th (76 reps) - (08:00)1313th (90 kg)3535th (122 reps) - (15:00)2929th (115 reps) - (TB: 14:43)
19Job StribosFITTR CrossFit97099th (187 reps) - (14:07)1212th (120 reps) - (06:20)3939th (60 kg)77th (150 reps) - (15:00)3030th (112 reps) - (TB: 05:54)
20Martin van VlietCrossFit Climbers Cabin10001313th (184 reps) - (14:01)1818th (120 reps) - (07:14)3030th (70 kg)88th (148 reps) - (15:00)3131st (112 reps) - (TB: 07:59)
25Gerben WesterlakenCrossFit Nieuwendijk12601616th (180 reps) - (13:58)2626th (117 reps) - (08:00)3535th (67 kg)1717th (133 reps) - (15:00)3232nd (112 reps) - (TB: 08:11)
39Edward RotmansUnaffiliated16604040th (153 reps) - (15:00)2727th (109 reps) - (08:00)2929th (71 kg)3737th (119 reps) - (15:00)3333rd (112 reps) - (TB: 08:41)
40Stijn LeclercqCrossFit Etten-Leur17204444th (129 reps) - (08:00)3131st (101 reps) - (08:00)4141st (50 kg)2222nd (130 reps) - (15:00)3434th (85 reps) - (TB: 04:50)
33Wijnand KasCrossFit Zuid14303434th (157 reps) - (07:29)3434th (97 reps) - (08:00)2828th (72 kg)1212th (143 reps) - (15:00)3535th (84 reps) - (TB: 04:38)
14Bras FaasseCrossFit Climbers Cabin8301414th (184 reps) - (18:24)1313th (120 reps) - (06:32)66th (100 kg)1414th (140 reps) - (15:00)3636th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
26Bram van Der SandeCrossFit Duketown13202222nd (172 reps) - (14:08)1717th (120 reps) - (07:06)1717th (87 kg)4040th (114 reps) - (15:00)3636th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
41Julio Villalba RecuerdaCrossFit Duketown17704040th (153 reps) - (15:00)2222nd (120 reps) - (07:45)3838th (62 kg)4141st (0 reps) - (15:00)3636th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
13Lennard DuijvestijnImpact Sports Academy82033rd (193 reps) - (14:55)2929th (105 reps) - (08:00)11st (111 kg)1313th (142 reps) - (15:00)3636th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
36Jacob HardersSED CrossFit14502323rd (170 reps) - (12:55)3535th (94 reps) - (08:00)2020th (84 kg)3131st (126 reps) - (15:00)3636th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
44Jan-Albert NoordstraCrossFit Dokkum20204242nd (150 reps) - (08:04)4141st (0 reps) - (08:00)4242nd (0 kg)4141st (0 reps) - (15:00)3636th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
43Mike van DongenFITTR CrossFit19603636th (156 reps) - (07:24)4141st (0 reps) - (08:00)4242nd (0 kg)4141st (0 reps) - (15:00)3636th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
42Rowan van der WestenFITTR CrossFit18104343rd (146 reps) - (09:12)4141st (0 reps) - (08:00)2323rd (80 kg)3838th (115 reps) - (15:00)3636th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
38Thomas JochemsCrossFit Etten-Leur162022nd (196 reps) - (14:50)4141st (0 reps) - (08:00)4242nd (0 kg)4141st (0 reps) - (15:00)3636th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
Overall RankingNameGym / AffiliateOverall Points23.1 - Ranking23.1 - Score23.2A - Ranking23.2A - Score23.2B - Ranking23.2B - Score23.3 - Ranking23.3 - Score23.4 - Ranking23.4 - Score
2Dewy de BruijnThe Factory Sport and Fun29066th (190 reps) - (12:45)88th (120 reps) - (06:03)1313th (50 kg)11st (165 reps) - (15:00)11st (125 reps) - (08:56)
5Janneke WinkelUnaffiliated38055th (193 reps) - (14:13)11st (120 reps) - (04:37)2020th (45 kg)1010th (147 reps) - (15:00)22nd (125 reps) - (09:51)
3Cherisse ThevesCrossFit MCA30077th (190 reps) - (13:10)33rd (120 reps) - (04:43)1212th (51 kg)55th (157 reps) - (15:00)33rd (125 reps) - (10:56)
6Inge van BijsterveldtThe Factory Sport and Fun4701414th (167 reps) - (08:00)1010th (120 reps) - (06:07)44th (55 kg)1515th (139 reps) - (15:00)44th (125 reps) - (11:17)
1Thinka de GraafCrossFit Etten-Leur26044th (193 reps) - (13:52)55th (120 reps) - (05:21)44th (55 kg)88th (152 reps) - (15:00)55th (124 reps) - (TB: 08:14)
12Priscilla SmitsCrossFit MCA7702222nd (161 reps) - (08:44)1818th (108 reps) - (08:00)1515th (48 kg)1616th (136 reps) - (15:00)66th (124 reps) - (TB: 09:07)
7Sophie ZomerFITTR CrossFit5501616th (166 reps) - (07:48)1414th (120 reps) - (07:12)1111th (51,71 kg)77th (153 reps) - (15:00)77th (124 reps) - (TB: 09:10)
14Barbara van den BoschThe Local Gym7801818th (166 reps) - (08:13)1313th (120 reps) - (07:02)3131st (38,5 kg)88th (152 reps) - (15:00)88th (124 reps) - (TB: 09:45)
3Eline TimmermansImpact Sports Academy30011st (197 reps) - (13:16)77th (120 reps) - (05:55)77th (53 kg)66th (155 reps) - (15:00)99th (117 reps) - (TB: 10:26)
11Sanne StevensThe Factory Sport and Fun6801919th (165 reps) - (07:08)66th (120 reps) - (05:54)3030th (40 kg)33rd (160 reps) - (15:00)1010th (116 reps) - (TB: 10:49)
15Annie KammingaSED CrossFit8001010th (190 reps) - (16:34)1212th (120 reps) - (06:58)3333rd (35 kg)1414th (141 reps) - (15:00)1111th (113 reps) - (TB: 10:26)
20Liz van GilsFITTR CrossFit9602727th (156 reps) - (08:15)2727th (92 reps) - (08:00)88th (52,5 kg)2222nd (130 reps) - (15:00)1212th (113 reps) - (TB: 11:00)
16Aline van der BurgCrossFit FNX8201212th (168 reps) - (08:20)3030th (60 reps) - (08:00)22nd (63 kg)2525th (121 reps) - (15:00)1313th (108 reps) - (TB: 11:01)
21Adinda LammensRAWFIT10302626th (157 reps) - (10:00)2424th (105 reps) - (08:00)2020th (45 kg)1919th (132 reps) - (15:00)1414th (105 reps) - (TB: 11:37)
10Suzan DijkstraKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub67099th (190 reps) - (14:32)1515th (120 reps) - (07:17)1717th (47 kg)1111th (143 reps) - (15:00)1515th (105 reps) - (TB: 11:41)
25Sophie DondersImpact Sports Academy11402929th (151 reps) - (08:35)1616th (120 reps) - (07:51)3232nd (37 kg)2121st (131 reps) - (15:00)1616th (102 reps) - (TB: 08:56)
17Sandra van der HoffFITTR CrossFit8902323rd (160 reps) - (07:51)1717th (116 reps) - (08:00)88th (52,5 kg)2424th (123 reps) - (15:00)1717th (102 reps) - (TB: 11:55)
9Lotte GoutRAWFIT5901111th (183 reps) - (14:22)44th (120 reps) - (04:47)2525th (42,5 kg)11st (165 reps) - (15:00)1818th (100 reps) - (TB: 06:26)
23Romy AlberdaFittebaas coaching11003434th (147 reps) - (03:46)99th (120 reps) - (06:05)2020th (45 kg)2828th (106 reps) - (15:00)1919th (100 reps) - (TB: 07:17)
12Tess van GilsFITTR CrossFit7701515th (167 reps) - (08:12)1111th (120 reps) - (06:36)88th (52,5 kg)2323rd (126 reps) - (15:00)2020th (100 reps) - (TB: 08:09)
19Layla MoerenhoutImpact Sports Academy9501313th (167 reps) - (07:43)1818th (108 reps) - (08:00)2424th (43 kg)1919th (132 reps) - (15:00)2121st (100 reps) - (TB: 08:53)
31Myrna Hermans0187 Barbell Gym12602828th (155 reps) - (07:55)3232nd (29 reps) - (08:00)2727th (42 kg)1717th (134 reps) - (15:00)2222nd (100 reps) - (TB: 09:51)
24Romy CeuleersKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub11303131st (150 reps) - (09:15)2929th (77 reps) - (08:00)11st (78 kg)2929th (98 reps) - (15:00)2323rd (91 reps) - (TB: 09:24)
18Carina van DrielKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub9202020th (162 reps) - (07:28)1818th (108 reps) - (08:00)2727th (42 kg)33rd (160 reps) - (15:00)2424th (89 reps) - (TB: 09:50)
33Linda van HultenRAWFIT13003636th (136 reps) - (10:00)3131st (59 reps) - (08:00)2525th (42,5 kg)1313th (142 reps) - (15:00)2525th (75 reps) - (TB: 12:00)
8Anne WoutersImpact Sports Academy57033rd (193 reps) - (13:04)22nd (120 reps) - (04:40)1515th (48 kg)1111th (143 reps) - (15:00)2626th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
35Cristina NituKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub14403333rd (148 reps) - (08:54)3333rd (0 reps) - (08:00)3434th (0 kg)1818th (133 reps) - (15:00)2626th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
22Sabrina van den GoorberghKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub10803030th (150 reps) - (08:48)2323rd (106 reps) - (08:00)33rd (56 kg)2626th (115 reps) - (15:00)2626th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
27Linda LemmensBFit01311702121st (162 reps) - (08:19)2626th (100 reps) - (08:00)1717th (47 kg)2727th (113 reps) - (15:00)2626th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
29Katrien van BommelKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub11902424th (160 reps) - (08:06)3333rd (0 reps) - (08:00)66th (54 kg)3030th (0 reps) - (15:00)2626th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
34Mariek JanssensFITTR CrossFit13203535th (142 reps) - (15:00)2828th (81 reps) - (08:00)1313th (50 kg)3030th (0 reps) - (15:00)2626th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
32Corianne de JongeSED CrossFit12703232nd (149 reps) - (08:48)2222nd (107 reps) - (08:00)1717th (47 kg)3030th (0 reps) - (15:00)2626th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
25Jannie JansenFITTR CrossFit11401717th (166 reps) - (08:07)1818th (108 reps) - (08:00)2323rd (44,5 kg)3030th (0 reps) - (15:00)2626th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
27Cassandra van HaasterenImpact Sports Academy117088th (190 reps) - (13:25)2424th (105 reps) - (08:00)2929th (40,05 kg)3030th (0 reps) - (15:00)2626th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
30Suzanne BeckersRAWFIT125022nd (196 reps) - (15:00)3333rd (0 reps) - (08:00)3434th (0 kg)3030th (0 reps) - (15:00)2626th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
36Amber PontusKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub14802525th (158 reps) - (07:12)3333rd (0 reps) - (08:00)3434th (0 kg)3030th (0 reps) - (15:00)2626th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
Overall RankingNameGym / AffiliateOverall Points23.1 - Ranking23.1 - Score23.2A - Ranking23.2A - Score23.2B - Ranking23.2B - Score23.3 - Ranking23.3 - Score23.4 - Ranking23.4 - Score
1Thomas SyxCrossFit NIMBL12011st (137 reps) - (09:37)44th (120 reps) - (04:39)44th (65 kg)22nd (122 reps) - (15:00)11st (140 reps) - (09:18)
1Benjamin MeeuseFITTR CrossFit12022nd (133 reps) - (09:26)11st (120 reps) - (03:30)11st (106,14 kg)66th (100 reps) - (15:00)22nd (140 reps) - (10:03)
4Levi SieratFITTR CrossFit20088th (100 reps) - (03:31)33rd (120 reps) - (04:22)22nd (85 kg)44th (104 reps) - (15:00)33rd (140 reps) - (10:48)
5Rob van den OortUnaffiliated24033rd (132 reps) - (09:18)77th (120 reps) - (06:11)77th (57 kg)33rd (107 reps) - (15:00)44th (139 reps) - (TB: 07:56)
3Sebastiaan KolijnCrossFit Climbers Cabin16055th (127 reps) - (07:34)22nd (120 reps) - (03:53)33rd (80 kg)11st (141 reps) - (15:00)55th (139 reps) - (TB: 08:58)
8Robin JanssenCrossFit Climbers Cabin33066th (125 reps) - (09:45)88th (120 reps) - (07:10)88th (50 kg)55th (101 reps) - (15:00)66th (139 reps) - (TB: 09:10)
7Vincent HoningsCrossFit Nieuwendijk32077th (109 reps) - (03:45)66th (120 reps) - (06:01)55th (60 kg)77th (0 reps) - (15:00)77th (113 reps) - (TB: 08:46)
6Thijs AkkermansKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub29044th (130 reps) - (10:00)55th (120 reps) - (05:38)55th (60 kg)77th (0 reps) - (15:00)88th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
Overall RankingNameGym / AffiliateOverall Points23.1 - Ranking23.1 - Score23.2A - Ranking23.2A - Score23.2B - Ranking23.2B - Score23.3 - Ranking23.3 - Score23.4 - Ranking23.4 - Score
1Famke KinThe Factory Sport and Fun2201212th (130 reps) - (07:36)55th (120 reps) - (03:20)11st (57,5 kg)33rd (147 reps) - (15:00)11st (125 reps) - (07:24)
3Brenda VeltinkSED CrossFit3301313th (130 reps) - (08:04)88th (120 reps) - (03:32)88th (48,5 kg)22nd (150 reps) - (15:00)22nd (125 reps) - (07:56)
7Marleen MulderSED CrossFit5001717th (130 reps) - (08:58)1515th (120 reps) - (04:41)1010th (45 kg)55th (144 reps) - (15:00)33rd (125 reps) - (08:15)
4Anouk GoedhartCrossFit MCA3901111th (130 reps) - (07:35)99th (120 reps) - (03:40)77th (49 kg)88th (136 reps) - (15:00)44th (125 reps) - (08:38)
13Alex de WaalCrossFit 0136602424th (130 reps) - (09:40)77th (120 reps) - (03:31)1010th (45 kg)2020th (119 reps) - (15:00)55th (125 reps) - (08:50)
7Caitlin TompkinsSED CrossFit5001414th (130 reps) - (08:26)44th (120 reps) - (03:18)1616th (43 kg)1010th (133 reps) - (15:00)66th (125 reps) - (09:00)
6Karlijn DerksImpact Sports Academy47011st (138 reps) - (08:15)1313th (120 reps) - (04:24)1616th (43 kg)1010th (133 reps) - (15:00)77th (125 reps) - (09:02)
13Geertje LensenCrossFit Duketown6602727th (106 reps) - (10:00)33rd (120 reps) - (02:55)55th (50 kg)2323rd (108 reps) - (15:00)88th (125 reps) - (09:02)
10Danée van EerdeSED CrossFit5101515th (130 reps) - (08:33)1212th (120 reps) - (04:06)33rd (51,5 kg)1212th (131 reps) - (15:00)99th (125 reps) - (09:30)
15Lana van BilsumFITTR CrossFit71088th (132 reps) - (09:58)1414th (120 reps) - (04:30)2020th (42 kg)1919th (120 reps) - (15:00)1010th (125 reps) - (09:35)
7Simone van BerkelCrossFit Climbers Cabin50099th (131 reps) - (08:49)66th (120 reps) - (03:26)1010th (45 kg)1414th (129 reps) - (15:00)1111th (125 reps) - (09:40)
18Sanne van de WielThe Factory Sport and Fun8701616th (130 reps) - (08:40)1818th (120 reps) - (05:02)2929th (35 kg)1212th (131 reps) - (15:00)1212th (125 reps) - (09:44)
15Lona RooijakkersUnaffiliated71077th (133 reps) - (09:31)1919th (120 reps) - (05:40)2626th (37,5 kg)66th (141 reps) - (15:00)1313th (125 reps) - (09:56)
2Anniek BaijensCrossFit NIMBL28022nd (137 reps) - (07:31)11st (120 reps) - (02:45)1010th (45 kg)11st (153 reps) - (15:00)1414th (125 reps) - (10:26)
18Beau van den OortCrossFit MCA87033rd (136 reps) - (06:56)2121st (120 reps) - (05:45)2020th (42 kg)2828th (97 reps) - (15:00)1515th (125 reps) - (10:35)
21Priscilla BoschCrossFit Etten-Leur9502828th (105 reps) - (03:20)1919th (120 reps) - (05:40)55th (50 kg)2727th (101 reps) - (15:00)1616th (125 reps) - (10:57)
5Coco van de WeijenbergCrossFit Duketown42055th (136 reps) - (08:43)22nd (120 reps) - (02:53)99th (48 kg)99th (135 reps) - (15:00)1717th (125 reps) - (11:00)
17Susanne WijnberghImpact Sports Academy8202020th (130 reps) - (09:14)1616th (120 reps) - (04:55)44th (50,5 kg)2424th (107 reps) - (15:00)1818th (125 reps) - (11:16)
22Marike van MeerendonkCrossFit Etten-Leur10001818th (130 reps) - (09:00)2525th (120 reps) - (07:22)3131st (33 kg)77th (139 reps) - (15:00)1919th (125 reps) - (11:26)
12Monique van der HeijdenCrossFit NIMBL65044th (136 reps) - (08:26)1010th (120 reps) - (03:53)1616th (43 kg)1515th (128 reps) - (15:00)2020th (125 reps) - (11:51)
10Sandra KnookKoffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub51066th (134 reps) - (07:44)1111th (120 reps) - (03:55)1010th (45 kg)33rd (147 reps) - (15:00)2121st (125 reps) - (11:52)
24Annie JansenFITTR CrossFit10301010th (131 reps) - (09:12)2323rd (120 reps) - (06:09)3232nd (30,87 kg)1616th (127 reps) - (15:00)2222nd (124 reps) - (TB: 09:45)
20Wendy KoningCrossFit Dokkum9002323rd (130 reps) - (09:35)2424th (120 reps) - (06:20)22nd (57 kg)1818th (123 reps) - (15:00)2323rd (124 reps) - (TB: 10:12)
27Saskia van de Water - BambachtCrossFit FNX13103333rd (90 reps) - (04:07)2727th (115 reps) - (08:00)1616th (43 kg)3131st (72 reps) - (15:00)2424th (117 reps) - (TB: 10:24)
28Els JoosenCrossFit Etten-Leur13402121st (130 reps) - (09:21)3434th (72 reps) - (08:00)2929th (35 kg)2525th (106 reps) - (15:00)2525th (112 reps) - (TB: 11:02)
29Marlies van Adrighem0187 Barbell Gym13503232nd (90 reps) - (04:06)2626th (118 reps) - (08:00)2222nd (40 kg)2929th (88 reps) - (15:00)2626th (56 reps) - (TB: 10:37)
26Kelly CardinaalUnbroken CrossFit & Fight Academy12802222nd (130 reps) - (09:27)2828th (114 reps) - (08:00)3434th (28,5 kg)1717th (124 reps) - (15:00)2727th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
25Evi SaeyCrossFit Down to Earth12103030th (96 reps) - (10:00)2222nd (120 reps) - (05:47)2222nd (40 kg)2020th (119 reps) - (15:00)2727th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
22Chantal van SchaikFITTR CrossFit10001919th (130 reps) - (09:05)1717th (120 reps) - (05:01)1515th (43,5 kg)2222nd (112 reps) - (15:00)2727th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
32Marije Vreeswijk0187 Barbell Gym14403535th (72 reps) - (04:22)3030th (109 reps) - (08:00)2626th (37,5 kg)2626th (103 reps) - (15:00)2727th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
35Mariël SchonenbergFITTR CrossFit15803434th (86 reps) - (04:59)3232nd (90 reps) - (08:00)3535th (27,5 kg)3030th (75 reps) - (15:00)2727th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
30Nicole BontekoeIron Helix14102525th (130 reps) - (15:00)3131st (100 reps) - (08:00)2626th (37,5 kg)3232nd (0 reps) - (15:00)2727th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
31Kim van Dongen-HeiblomFITTR CrossFit14302929th (100 reps) - (04:22)3333rd (81 reps) - (08:00)2222nd (40 kg)3232nd (0 reps) - (15:00)2727th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
33Cynthia WolffFITTR CrossFit14702626th (120 reps) - (09:40)2929th (111 reps) - (08:00)3333rd (28,6 kg)3232nd (0 reps) - (15:00)2727th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
34Ilse Van der Welle0187 Barbell Gym15203636th (70 reps) - (03:58)3535th (53 reps) - (08:00)2222nd (40 kg)3232nd (0 reps) - (15:00)2727th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)
36Marianne VlijmFITTR CrossFit16203131st (95 reps) - (10:00)3636th (0 reps) - (08:00)3636th (0 kg)3232nd (0 reps) - (15:00)2727th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00)