Dit zijn de officiële leaderboards voor de qualifiers (laatste update: 15-12-2023 om 20:00 uur).
Overall Ranking | Name | Gym / Affiliate | Overall Points | 23.1 - Ranking | 23.1 - Score | 23.2A - Ranking | 23.2A - Score | 23.2B - Ranking | 23.2B - Score | 23.3 - Ranking | 23.3 - Score | 23.4 - Ranking | 23.4 - Score |
6 | Sander van den Hurk | Waalfront | 380 | 5 | 5th (230 reps) - (13:58) | 11 | 11th (120 reps) - (04:37) | 17 | 17th (99 kg) | 4 | 4th (151 reps) - (15:00) | 1 | 1st (290 reps) - (06:17) |
3 | Dennis Schaffels | CrossFit Climbers Cabin | 270 | 6 | 6th (230 reps) - (14:08) | 4 | 4th (120 reps) - (04:01) | 8 | 8th (110 kg) | 7 | 7th (147 reps) - (15:00) | 2 | 2nd (290 reps) - (06:22) |
1 | Menno Raas | CrossFit MCA | 220 | 4 | 4th (230 reps) - (13:55) | 7 | 7th (120 reps) - (04:11) | 4 | 4th (117 kg) | 4 | 4th (151 reps) - (15:00) | 3 | 3rd (290 reps) - (06:58) |
5 | Rens Smit | CrossFit NIMBL | 310 | 1 | 1st (230 reps) - (13:01) | 10 | 10th (120 reps) - (04:29) | 7 | 7th (111 kg) | 9 | 9th (132 reps) - (15:00) | 4 | 4th (290 reps) - (07:19) |
10 | Vincent Reuver | Gymbokx Helmond | 490 | 7 | 7th (230 reps) - (14:22) | 8 | 8th (120 reps) - (04:20) | 15 | 15th (101 kg) | 14 | 14th (127 reps) - (15:00) | 5 | 5th (290 reps) - (07:31) |
10 | Niels van Tilborg | CrossFit MCA | 490 | 18 | 18th (0 reps) - (20:00) | 12 | 12th (120 reps) - (04:45) | 11 | 11th (105 kg) | 2 | 2nd (158 reps) - (15:00) | 6 | 6th (290 reps) - (07:54) |
12 | Allard de Heer | Impact Sports Academy | 580 | 16 | 16th (230 reps) - (16:59) | 16 | 16th (120 reps) - (05:37) | 2 | 2nd (123 kg) | 17 | 17th (95 reps) - (15:00) | 7 | 7th (290 reps) - (07:59) |
7 | Jarno de Rooijen | CrossFit MCA | 430 | 8 | 8th (230 reps) - (14:23) | 6 | 6th (120 reps) - (04:10) | 9 | 9th (106 kg) | 12 | 12th (128 reps) - (15:00) | 8 | 8th (290 reps) - (08:51) |
4 | Luuk Teurlinx | CrossFit Duketown | 300 | 11 | 11th (230 reps) - (15:32) | 1 | 1st (120 reps) - (03:47) | 1 | 1st (125 kg) | 8 | 8th (134 reps) - (15:00) | 9 | 9th (290 reps) - (09:27) |
9 | Bart van den Wijngaard | Impact Sports Academy | 480 | 9 | 9th (230 reps) - (14:28) | 9 | 9th (120 reps) - (04:21) | 9 | 9th (106 kg) | 11 | 11th (130 reps) - (15:00) | 10 | 10th (290 reps) - (11:16) |
1 | John van Pelt | CrossFit MCA | 220 | 2 | 2nd (230 reps) - (13:19) | 3 | 3rd (120 reps) - (03:53) | 5 | 5th (116 kg) | 1 | 1st (161 reps) - (15:00) | 11 | 11th (290 reps) - (11:52) |
8 | Bram de Haas | CrossFit MCA | 440 | 13 | 13th (230 reps) - (16:14) | 13 | 13th (120 reps) - (04:50) | 3 | 3rd (118 kg) | 3 | 3rd (155 reps) - (15:00) | 12 | 12th (289 reps) - (TB: 08:50) |
15 | Koen Wildenberg | CrossFit Duketown | 690 | 17 | 17th (230 reps) - (18:14) | 14 | 14th (120 reps) - (04:58) | 11 | 11th (105 kg) | 14 | 14th (127 reps) - (15:00) | 13 | 13th (289 reps) - (TB: 09:30) |
16 | Vinoth Lavan | SED CrossFit | 720 | 15 | 15th (230 reps) - (16:57) | 17 | 17th (120 reps) - (06:17) | 14 | 14th (102 kg) | 12 | 12th (128 reps) - (15:00) | 14 | 14th (229 reps) - (TB: 09:13) |
13 | Arnoud Damsteegt | SED CrossFit | 660 | 10 | 10th (230 reps) - (14:45) | 5 | 5th (120 reps) - (04:03) | 18 | 18th (95 kg) | 18 | 18th (0 reps) - (15:00) | 15 | 15th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
14 | Roy Meier | SED CrossFit | 670 | 13 | 13th (230 reps) - (16:14) | 18 | 18th (120 reps) - (06:23) | 11 | 11th (105 kg) | 10 | 10th (131 reps) - (15:00) | 15 | 15th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
17 | Cas van Eersel | FITTR CrossFit | 740 | 12 | 12th (230 reps) - (16:02) | 15 | 15th (120 reps) - (05:14) | 16 | 16th (100 kg) | 16 | 16th (111 reps) - (15:00) | 15 | 15th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
Overall Ranking | Name | Gym / Affiliate | Overall Points | 23.1 - Ranking | 23.1 - Score | 23.2A - Ranking | 23.2A - Score | 23.2B - Ranking | 23.2B - Score | 23.3 - Ranking | 23.3 - Score | 23.4 - Ranking | 23.4 - Score |
4 | Karen Dirksen | CrossFit FNX | 210 | 2 | 2nd (230 reps) - (15:02) | 6 | 6th (0 reps) - (08:00) | 6 | 6th (0 kg) | 6 | 6th (110 reps) - (15:00) | 1 | 1st (290 reps) - (10:50) |
1 | Marit de Haan | Impact Sports Academy | 80 | 1 | 1st (230 reps) - (14:22) | 1 | 1st (120 reps) - (05:20) | 1 | 1st (66 kg) | 3 | 3rd (135 reps) - (15:00) | 2 | 2nd (235 reps) - (TB: 11:48) |
5 | Marjolein Ansems - Hof | Impact Sports Academy | 220 | 5 | 5th (230 reps) - (16:31) | 5 | 5th (120 reps) - (06:15) | 4 | 4th (53 kg) | 5 | 5th (125 reps) - (15:00) | 3 | 3rd (232 reps) - (TB: 09:14) |
2 | Yara Breukers | Impact Sports Academy | 120 | 3 | 3rd (230 reps) - (16:03) | 2 | 2nd (120 reps) - (05:24) | 2 | 2nd (64 kg) | 1 | 1st (136 reps) - (15:00) | 4 | 4th (176 reps) - (TB: 04:59) |
3 | Marissa Breedijk | RAWFIT | 160 | 4 | 4th (230 reps) - (16:22) | 3 | 3rd (120 reps) - (05:30) | 3 | 3rd (56 kg) | 1 | 1st (136 reps) - (15:00) | 5 | 5th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
6 | Eefje Driessen | Gymbokx Helmond | 240 | 6 | 6th (230 reps) - (16:39) | 4 | 4th (120 reps) - (05:31) | 5 | 5th (45 kg) | 4 | 4th (133 reps) - (15:00) | 5 | 5th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
Overall Ranking | Name | Gym / Affiliate | Overall Points | 23.1 - Ranking | 23.1 - Score | 23.2A - Ranking | 23.2A - Score | 23.2B - Ranking | 23.2B - Score | 23.3 - Ranking | 23.3 - Score | 23.4 - Ranking | 23.4 - Score |
7 | Alex van Gurp | CrossFit MCA | 500 | 1 | 1st (230 reps) - (17:01) | 7 | 7th (120 reps) - (06:04) | 22 | 22nd (80 kg) | 1 | 1st (139 reps) - (15:00) | 19 | 19th (152 reps) - (TB: 07:56) |
13 | Eric Verheijen | CrossFit Zuid | 750 | 16 | 16th (223 reps) - (12:28) | 24 | 24th (111 reps) - (08:00) | 17 | 17th (85 kg) | 2 | 2nd (138 reps) - (15:00) | 16 | 16th (153 reps) - (TB: 05:54) |
21 | Jorrit Huizenga | SED CrossFit | 890 | 19 | 19th (221 reps) - (12:45) | 16 | 16th (120 reps) - (07:09) | 29 | 29th (65 kg) | 3 | 3rd (129 reps) - (15:00) | 22 | 22nd (152 reps) - (TB: 10:21) |
3 | Luuk van den berg | Impact Sports Academy | 310 | 7 | 7th (230 reps) - (18:11) | 5 | 5th (120 reps) - (05:20) | 10 | 10th (91 kg) | 4 | 4th (127 reps) - (15:00) | 5 | 5th (190 reps) - (10:08) |
12 | Dick van Dongen | CrossFit MCA | 700 | 26 | 26th (206 reps) - (14:36) | 9 | 9th (120 reps) - (06:14) | 17 | 17th (85 kg) | 4 | 4th (127 reps) - (15:00) | 14 | 14th (163 reps) - (TB: 11:27) |
17 | Wouter Böhmer | Impact Sports Academy | 830 | 23 | 23rd (216 reps) - (13:51) | 19 | 19th (120 reps) - (07:28) | 25 | 25th (76 kg) | 4 | 4th (127 reps) - (15:00) | 12 | 12th (189 reps) - (TB: 09:05) |
1 | Berat Varsak | Impact Sports Academy | 210 | 4 | 4th (230 reps) - (17:32) | 2 | 2nd (120 reps) - (04:59) | 4 | 4th (106 kg) | 7 | 7th (126 reps) - (15:00) | 4 | 4th (190 reps) - (09:44) |
4 | Bastijn van Gageldonk | FITTR CrossFit | 350 | 2 | 2nd (230 reps) - (17:14) | 6 | 6th (120 reps) - (05:29) | 17 | 17th (85 kg) | 8 | 8th (123 reps) - (15:00) | 2 | 2nd (190 reps) - (07:43) |
10 | Ruben in 't Veld | CrossFit MCA | 610 | 22 | 22nd (220 reps) - (14:14) | 8 | 8th (120 reps) - (06:11) | 5 | 5th (103,5 kg) | 8 | 8th (123 reps) - (15:00) | 18 | 18th (152 reps) - (TB: 05:52) |
11 | Bram van der Zwet | Breda CrossFit | 640 | 17 | 17th (222 reps) - (13:30) | 14 | 14th (120 reps) - (06:46) | 12 | 12th (90 kg) | 10 | 10th (120 reps) - (15:00) | 11 | 11th (189 reps) - (TB: 08:33) |
9 | Olivier de Waal | Impact Sports Academy | 560 | 12 | 12th (230 reps) - (18:57) | 11 | 11th (120 reps) - (06:20) | 20 | 20th (81 kg) | 10 | 10th (120 reps) - (15:00) | 3 | 3rd (190 reps) - (09:14) |
6 | Luigi Polak | Impact Sports Academy | 470 | 10 | 10th (230 reps) - (18:55) | 10 | 10th (120 reps) - (06:16) | 7 | 7th (100,5 kg) | 12 | 12th (115 reps) - (15:00) | 8 | 8th (189 reps) - (TB: 08:12) |
19 | Thomas Damen | Impact Sports Academy | 880 | 14 | 14th (230 reps) - (19:48) | 27 | 27th (103 reps) - (08:00) | 10 | 10th (91 kg) | 12 | 12th (115 reps) - (15:00) | 25 | 25th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
2 | Tommy Biemans | Impact Sports Academy | 230 | 2 | 2nd (230 reps) - (17:14) | 3 | 3rd (120 reps) - (05:04) | 3 | 3rd (110,5 kg) | 14 | 14th (112 reps) - (15:00) | 1 | 1st (190 reps) - (06:28) |
5 | Nick van Nimwegen | CrossFit MCA | 410 | 6 | 6th (230 reps) - (18:09) | 4 | 4th (120 reps) - (05:07) | 9 | 9th (96 kg) | 15 | 15th (111 reps) - (15:00) | 7 | 7th (189 reps) - (TB: 06:20) |
8 | Jamie Stam | Impact Sports Academy | 530 | 5 | 5th (230 reps) - (17:40) | 12 | 12th (120 reps) - (06:25) | 15 | 15th (88 kg) | 15 | 15th (111 reps) - (15:00) | 6 | 6th (190 reps) - (10:29) |
18 | Matti de Bruijn | FITTR CrossFit | 860 | 21 | 21st (220 reps) - (13:19) | 18 | 18th (120 reps) - (07:26) | 6 | 6th (103,4 kg) | 17 | 17th (110 reps) - (15:00) | 24 | 24th (120 reps) - (TB: 11:46) |
16 | Rick Adriaensen | Impact Sports Academy | 790 | 13 | 13th (230 reps) - (19:00) | 13 | 13th (120 reps) - (06:40) | 27 | 27th (71 kg) | 17 | 17th (110 reps) - (15:00) | 9 | 9th (189 reps) - (TB: 08:16) |
23 | Niek Voermans | CrossFit MCA | 920 | 25 | 25th (206 reps) - (14:05) | 25 | 25th (110 reps) - (08:00) | 8 | 8th (100 kg) | 17 | 17th (110 reps) - (15:00) | 17 | 17th (153 reps) - (TB: 07:51) |
28 | Jim Furtjes | Unbroken CrossFit & Fight Academy | 1200 | 24 | 24th (209 reps) - (14:09) | 29 | 29th (79 reps) - (08:00) | 22 | 22nd (80 kg) | 20 | 20th (109 reps) - (15:00) | 25 | 25th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
14 | Jose Maria Diaz Riofrio | CrossFit Duketown | 770 | 20 | 20th (221 reps) - (13:29) | 1 | 1st (120 reps) - (04:46) | 22 | 22nd (80 kg) | 21 | 21st (108 reps) - (15:00) | 13 | 13th (189 reps) - (TB: 10:15) |
25 | Guus Cornel | FITTR CrossFit | 1030 | 18 | 18th (221 reps) - (12:15) | 28 | 28th (97 reps) - (08:00) | 12 | 12th (90 kg) | 22 | 22nd (107 reps) - (15:00) | 23 | 23rd (129 reps) - (TB: 10:26) |
19 | Rinaldo Suijk | Impact Sports Academy | 880 | 27 | 27th (205 reps) - (13:48) | 21 | 21st (120 reps) - (07:46) | 2 | 2nd (113 kg) | 23 | 23rd (106 reps) - (15:00) | 15 | 15th (154 reps) - (TB: 11:40) |
24 | AJ Mendoza | CrossFit Down to Earth | 930 | 8 | 8th (230 reps) - (18:51) | 15 | 15th (120 reps) - (06:51) | 26 | 26th (75 kg) | 24 | 24th (99 reps) - (15:00) | 20 | 20th (152 reps) - (TB: 09:39) |
15 | George Zografos | CrossFit AKA | 780 | 9 | 9th (230 reps) - (18:53) | 22 | 22nd (120 reps) - (07:59) | 12 | 12th (90 kg) | 25 | 25th (96 reps) - (15:00) | 10 | 10th (189 reps) - (TB: 08:32) |
29 | Nicky van Oorschot | CrossFit Climbers Cabin | 1260 | 28 | 28th (205 reps) - (14:06) | 23 | 23rd (113 reps) - (08:00) | 28 | 28th (70 kg) | 26 | 26th (92 reps) - (15:00) | 21 | 21st (152 reps) - (TB: 10:13) |
21 | David Potter | CrossFit Amsterdam | 890 | 10 | 10th (230 reps) - (18:55) | 26 | 26th (109 reps) - (08:00) | 1 | 1st (116 kg) | 27 | 27th (0 reps) - (15:00) | 25 | 25th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
26 | Ties Krips | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 1070 | 15 | 15th (224 reps) - (13:59) | 20 | 20th (120 reps) - (07:36) | 20 | 20th (81 kg) | 27 | 27th (0 reps) - (15:00) | 25 | 25th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
27 | Dethleff Snel | Impact Sports Academy | 1140 | 29 | 29th (202 reps) - (12:56) | 17 | 17th (120 reps) - (07:24) | 16 | 16th (86 kg) | 27 | 27th (0 reps) - (15:00) | 25 | 25th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
30 | Pim Verharen | FITTR CrossFit | 1420 | 30 | 30th (0 reps) - (20:00) | 30 | 30th (0 reps) - (08:00) | 30 | 30th (0 kg) | 27 | 27th (0 reps) - (15:00) | 25 | 25th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
Overall Ranking | Name | Gym / Affiliate | Overall Points | 23.1 - Ranking | 23.1 - Score | 23.2A - Ranking | 23.2A - Score | 23.2B - Ranking | 23.2B - Score | 23.3 - Ranking | 23.3 - Score | 23.4 - Ranking | 23.4 - Score |
1 | Janneke Schoenmakers | Unaffiliated | 130 | 2 | 2nd (230 reps) - (17:25) | 2 | 2nd (120 reps) - (06:43) | 1 | 1st (63 kg) | 7 | 7th (128 reps) - (15:00) | 1 | 1st (190 reps) - (08:51) |
2 | Tess van der Maade | FITTR CrossFit | 240 | 1 | 1st (230 reps) - (17:13) | 10 | 10th (120 reps) - (07:46) | 9 | 9th (53,98 kg) | 2 | 2nd (145 reps) - (15:00) | 2 | 2nd (190 reps) - (10:04) |
3 | Simone Post | CrossFit YouAct | 300 | 4 | 4th (230 reps) - (19:22) | 8 | 8th (120 reps) - (07:38) | 14 | 14th (50 kg) | 1 | 1st (146 reps) - (15:00) | 3 | 3rd (190 reps) - (11:47) |
4 | Susan Bokma | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 380 | 8 | 8th (223 reps) - (13:05) | 13 | 13th (120 reps) - (07:57) | 2 | 2nd (62 kg) | 11 | 11th (122 reps) - (15:00) | 4 | 4th (189 reps) - (TB: 09:40) |
8 | Judith Brugman | Unbroken CrossFit & Fight Academy | 440 | 11 | 11th (210 reps) - (13:44) | 5 | 5th (120 reps) - (07:06) | 8 | 8th (55 kg) | 15 | 15th (108 reps) - (15:00) | 5 | 5th (189 reps) - (TB: 10:03) |
6 | Laura Booij | SED CrossFit | 390 | 17 | 17th (204 reps) - (12:59) | 9 | 9th (120 reps) - (07:42) | 3 | 3rd (58 kg) | 4 | 4th (133 reps) - (15:00) | 6 | 6th (166 reps) - (TB: 10:58) |
9 | Veerle Couwenberg | Impact Sports Academy | 460 | 3 | 3rd (230 reps) - (17:39) | 14 | 14th (113 reps) - (08:00) | 12 | 12th (50,5 kg) | 10 | 10th (124 reps) - (15:00) | 7 | 7th (157 reps) - (TB: 11:28) |
9 | Laura van der Kool | CrossFit Etten-Leur | 460 | 5 | 5th (230 reps) - (19:26) | 11 | 11th (120 reps) - (07:51) | 6 | 6th (57 kg) | 16 | 16th (107 reps) - (15:00) | 8 | 8th (156 reps) - (TB: 11:40) |
4 | Jolijn Van Meel | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 380 | 9 | 9th (220 reps) - (13:49) | 7 | 7th (120 reps) - (07:34) | 7 | 7th (56 kg) | 6 | 6th (129 reps) - (15:00) | 9 | 9th (153 reps) - (TB: 08:33) |
16 | Lindsey Verschuren | The Local Gym | 670 | 18 | 18th (201 reps) - (14:15) | 18 | 18th (72 reps) - (08:00) | 4 | 4th (57,5 kg) | 17 | 17th (101 reps) - (15:00) | 10 | 10th (153 reps) - (TB: 08:45) |
15 | Niké Vlasblom | CrossFit Etten-Leur | 620 | 16 | 16th (206 reps) - (14:46) | 6 | 6th (120 reps) - (07:30) | 11 | 11th (51 kg) | 18 | 18th (100 reps) - (15:00) | 11 | 11th (152 reps) - (TB: 09:03) |
12 | Angela Doorn | 0187 Barbell Gym | 510 | 7 | 7th (224 reps) - (13:16) | 15 | 15th (108 reps) - (08:00) | 4 | 4th (57,5 kg) | 13 | 13th (114 reps) - (15:00) | 12 | 12th (152 reps) - (TB: 09:53) |
16 | Babette Elshout | RAWFIT | 670 | 10 | 10th (215 reps) - (14:05) | 16 | 16th (106 reps) - (08:00) | 16 | 16th (46 kg) | 12 | 12th (119 reps) - (15:00) | 13 | 13th (116 reps) - (TB: 05:01) |
13 | Lynda Stevens | CrossFit Etten-Leur | 570 | 14 | 14th (208 reps) - (14:16) | 4 | 4th (120 reps) - (07:02) | 17 | 17th (40 kg) | 8 | 8th (126 reps) - (15:00) | 14 | 14th (115 reps) - (TB: 04:34) |
7 | Barbara Boukal | CrossFit Climbers Cabin | 410 | 6 | 6th (225 reps) - (12:50) | 3 | 3rd (120 reps) - (07:01) | 14 | 14th (50 kg) | 3 | 3rd (135 reps) - (15:00) | 15 | 15th (114 reps) - (TB: 06:28) |
11 | Debbie van Dijk | CrossFit MCA | 490 | 12 | 12th (210 reps) - (14:15) | 1 | 1st (120 reps) - (05:54) | 12 | 12th (50,5 kg) | 8 | 8th (126 reps) - (15:00) | 16 | 16th (114 reps) - (TB: 08:19) |
13 | Willemijn Meier | SED CrossFit | 570 | 13 | 13th (208 reps) - (13:52) | 12 | 12th (120 reps) - (07:55) | 10 | 10th (52 kg) | 5 | 5th (130 reps) - (15:00) | 17 | 17th (75 reps) - (TB: 05:02) |
18 | Dionne Sloof | CrossFit Woodline | 820 | 15 | 15th (207 reps) - (13:45) | 17 | 17th (92 reps) - (08:00) | 18 | 18th (33 kg) | 14 | 14th (110 reps) - (15:00) | 18 | 18th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
Overall Ranking | Name | Gym / Affiliate | Overall Points | 23.1 - Ranking | 23.1 - Score | 23.2A - Ranking | 23.2A - Score | 23.2B - Ranking | 23.2B - Score | 23.3 - Ranking | 23.3 - Score | 23.4 - Ranking | 23.4 - Score |
1 | Matthijs Schreurs | Fit en Healthy | 120 | 1 | 1st (230 reps) - (16:15) | 1 | 1st (120 reps) - (05:12) | 1 | 1st (155 kg) | 7 | 7th (129 reps) - (15:00) | 2 | 2nd (190 reps) - (07:14) |
3 | Paul van Lisdonk | Impact Sports Academy | 290 | 2 | 2nd (230 reps) - (16:16) | 2 | 2nd (120 reps) - (05:23) | 12 | 12th (93 kg) | 2 | 2nd (139 reps) - (15:00) | 11 | 11th (189 reps) - (TB: 12:00) |
2 | Wouter Haijer | SED CrossFit | 210 | 4 | 4th (230 reps) - (17:44) | 6 | 6th (120 reps) - (05:56) | 6 | 6th (105 kg) | 2 | 2nd (139 reps) - (15:00) | 3 | 3rd (190 reps) - (08:01) |
4 | Maarten van Beers | RAWFIT | 360 | 17 | 17th (230 reps) - (19:56) | 7 | 7th (120 reps) - (06:05) | 2 | 2nd (115 kg) | 5 | 5th (130 reps) - (15:00) | 5 | 5th (190 reps) - (11:30) |
5 | Bram Nuiten | CrossFit MCA | 380 | 3 | 3rd (230 reps) - (16:29) | 5 | 5th (120 reps) - (05:45) | 17 | 17th (87,5 kg) | 12 | 12th (120 reps) - (15:00) | 1 | 1st (190 reps) - (06:45) |
6 | Robbert Segeren | CrossFit MCA | 470 | 11 | 11th (230 reps) - (19:39) | 8 | 8th (120 reps) - (06:09) | 13 | 13th (90 kg) | 7 | 7th (129 reps) - (15:00) | 8 | 8th (189 reps) - (TB: 08:53) |
7 | Pieter van den Berg | CrossFit Zuid | 540 | 8 | 8th (230 reps) - (19:28) | 10 | 10th (120 reps) - (06:19) | 22 | 22nd (82,5 kg) | 5 | 5th (130 reps) - (15:00) | 9 | 9th (189 reps) - (TB: 09:52) |
11 | Harald Sestig | CrossFit MCA | 690 | 9 | 9th (230 reps) - (19:31) | 12 | 12th (120 reps) - (06:25) | 13 | 13th (90 kg) | 11 | 11th (124 reps) - (15:00) | 24 | 24th (115 reps) - (TB: 10:48) |
9 | Jasper van den Bosch | CrossFit NIMBL | 580 | 15 | 15th (230 reps) - (19:50) | 3 | 3rd (120 reps) - (05:27) | 26 | 26th (75 kg) | 4 | 4th (133 reps) - (15:00) | 10 | 10th (189 reps) - (TB: 10:18) |
12 | Wouter Heutmekers | RAWFIT | 730 | 5 | 5th (230 reps) - (18:33) | 4 | 4th (120 reps) - (05:35) | 32 | 32nd (65 kg) | 7 | 7th (129 reps) - (15:00) | 25 | 25th (114 reps) - (TB: 05:17) |
8 | Dave van de Wiel | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 550 | 13 | 13th (230 reps) - (19:46) | 20 | 20th (120 reps) - (07:14) | 6 | 6th (105 kg) | 10 | 10th (125 reps) - (15:00) | 6 | 6th (190 reps) - (11:52) |
10 | Ajanian Oltmans | CrossFit 1412 | 630 | 6 | 6th (230 reps) - (18:35) | 22 | 22nd (120 reps) - (07:19) | 5 | 5th (110 kg) | 18 | 18th (114 reps) - (15:00) | 12 | 12th (158 reps) - (TB: 11:50) |
12 | Chris Van Dijk | CrossFit MCA | 730 | 12 | 12th (230 reps) - (19:45) | 15 | 15th (120 reps) - (06:46) | 9 | 9th (96 kg) | 18 | 18th (114 reps) - (15:00) | 19 | 19th (152 reps) - (TB: 10:40) |
16 | Berry Meuffels | Unaffiliated | 840 | 27 | 27th (210 reps) - (13:32) | 11 | 11th (120 reps) - (06:20) | 4 | 4th (111 kg) | 22 | 22nd (112 reps) - (15:00) | 20 | 20th (152 reps) - (TB: 10:44) |
15 | Ronald Duits | Crossletics Woerden | 790 | 18 | 18th (230 reps) - (19:59) | 9 | 9th (120 reps) - (06:13) | 20 | 20th (83,5 kg) | 18 | 18th (114 reps) - (15:00) | 14 | 14th (152 reps) - (TB: 07:26) |
20 | Raphaël Nunumete | Black Tree Training | 980 | 21 | 21st (221 reps) - (14:10) | 19 | 19th (120 reps) - (07:08) | 29 | 29th (71 kg) | 1 | 1st (157 reps) - (15:00) | 28 | 28th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
14 | Remy Jean Le | FITTR CrossFit | 770 | 10 | 10th (230 reps) - (19:37) | 17 | 17th (120 reps) - (07:01) | 17 | 17th (87,5 kg) | 29 | 29th (97 reps) - (15:00) | 4 | 4th (190 reps) - (10:22) |
21 | Marcel Roose | Megga Fit Goes | 1040 | 28 | 28th (210 reps) - (14:13) | 13 | 13th (120 reps) - (06:29) | 10 | 10th (95 kg) | 25 | 25th (106 reps) - (15:00) | 28 | 28th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
17 | Stephan Toet | FITTR CrossFit | 940 | 15 | 15th (230 reps) - (19:50) | 21 | 21st (120 reps) - (07:16) | 28 | 28th (72,8 kg) | 13 | 13th (117 reps) - (15:00) | 17 | 17th (152 reps) - (TB: 09:19) |
18 | Remco Ansems | Impact Sports Academy | 950 | 7 | 7th (230 reps) - (18:46) | 23 | 23rd (120 reps) - (07:23) | 30 | 30th (70 kg) | 17 | 17th (115 reps) - (15:00) | 18 | 18th (152 reps) - (TB: 09:26) |
22 | Tobias Wolff | FITTR CrossFit | 1060 | 20 | 20th (224 reps) - (13:06) | 32 | 32nd (100 reps) - (08:00) | 8 | 8th (101,65 kg) | 23 | 23rd (109 reps) - (15:00) | 23 | 23rd (115 reps) - (TB: 06:57) |
24 | Misa Pantovic | CrossFit Amsterdam | 1130 | 29 | 29th (209 reps) - (20:00) | 30 | 30th (104 reps) - (08:00) | 2 | 2nd (115 kg) | 24 | 24th (108 reps) - (15:00) | 28 | 28th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
26 | Henri Donkers | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 1140 | 31 | 31st (203 reps) - (14:36) | 18 | 18th (120 reps) - (07:07) | 23 | 23rd (82 kg) | 14 | 14th (116 reps) - (15:00) | 28 | 28th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
24 | Wouter Starink | CrossFit Etten-Leur | 1130 | 24 | 24th (220 reps) - (13:20) | 31 | 31st (102 reps) - (08:00) | 13 | 13th (90 kg) | 18 | 18th (114 reps) - (15:00) | 27 | 27th (103 reps) - (TB: 08:14) |
23 | Rob van Oers | CrossFit Etten-Leur | 1070 | 26 | 26th (211 reps) - (14:30) | 14 | 14th (120 reps) - (06:33) | 21 | 21st (83 kg) | 25 | 25th (106 reps) - (15:00) | 21 | 21st (134 reps) - (TB: 09:22) |
27 | Stef van den Ham | CrossFit Amsterdam | 1150 | 22 | 22nd (221 reps) - (20:00) | 16 | 16th (120 reps) - (06:51) | 17 | 17th (87,5 kg) | 32 | 32nd (85 reps) - (15:00) | 28 | 28th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
19 | Fastert van Bilsum | FITTR CrossFit | 960 | 35 | 35th (191 reps) - (13:36) | 29 | 29th (107 reps) - (08:00) | 11 | 11th (94 kg) | 14 | 14th (116 reps) - (15:00) | 7 | 7th (189 reps) - (TB: 08:40) |
28 | Sun van Kampen | Megga Fit Goes | 1160 | 14 | 14th (230 reps) - (19:47) | 25 | 25th (120 reps) - (07:33) | 24 | 24th (80 kg) | 31 | 31st (96 reps) - (15:00) | 22 | 22nd (116 reps) - (TB: 04:56) |
30 | Raymond Renes | CrossFit FNX | 1220 | 34 | 34th (200 reps) - (13:50) | 24 | 24th (120 reps) - (07:32) | 13 | 13th (90 kg) | 25 | 25th (106 reps) - (15:00) | 26 | 26th (114 reps) - (TB: 08:00) |
32 | Sander Makatita | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 1310 | 19 | 19th (225 reps) - (20:00) | 26 | 26th (120 reps) - (07:37) | 25 | 25th (77 kg) | 33 | 33rd (0 reps) - (15:00) | 28 | 28th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
29 | Danny Bax | FITTR CrossFit | 1190 | 32 | 32nd (201 reps) - (13:54) | 27 | 27th (120 reps) - (07:40) | 33 | 33rd (55 kg) | 14 | 14th (116 reps) - (15:00) | 13 | 13th (152 reps) - (TB: 07:06) |
31 | Robin Verbeek | 0187 Barbell Gym | 1280 | 25 | 25th (214 reps) - (13:33) | 33 | 33rd (96 reps) - (08:00) | 26 | 26th (75 kg) | 28 | 28th (104 reps) - (15:00) | 16 | 16th (152 reps) - (TB: 09:09) |
33 | Harold van Twillert | CrossFit Climbers Cabin | 1350 | 33 | 33rd (201 reps) - (13:58) | 28 | 28th (110 reps) - (08:00) | 30 | 30th (70 kg) | 29 | 29th (97 reps) - (15:00) | 15 | 15th (152 reps) - (TB: 08:22) |
34 | Ton Schraven | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 1520 | 23 | 23rd (220 reps) - (13:18) | 34 | 34th (0 reps) - (08:00) | 34 | 34th (0 kg) | 33 | 33rd (0 reps) - (15:00) | 28 | 28th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
35 | Danny Schalken | FITTR CrossFit | 1590 | 30 | 30th (208 reps) - (14:22) | 34 | 34th (0 reps) - (08:00) | 34 | 34th (0 kg) | 33 | 33rd (0 reps) - (15:00) | 28 | 28th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
36 | Mickey Hinoke | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 1650 | 36 | 36th (163 reps) - (09:25) | 34 | 34th (0 reps) - (08:00) | 34 | 34th (0 kg) | 33 | 33rd (0 reps) - (15:00) | 28 | 28th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
37 | Boy Houtman | CrossFit YouAct | 1660 | 37 | 37th (0 reps) - (20:00) | 34 | 34th (0 reps) - (08:00) | 34 | 34th (0 kg) | 33 | 33rd (0 reps) - (15:00) | 28 | 28th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
Overall Ranking | Name | Gym / Affiliate | Overall Points | 23.1 - Ranking | 23.1 - Score | 23.2A - Ranking | 23.2A - Score | 23.2B - Ranking | 23.2B - Score | 23.3 - Ranking | 23.3 - Score | 23.4 - Ranking | 23.4 - Score |
8 | Dennis Dits | CrossFit Rhoon | 580 | 26 | 26th (168 reps) - (15:00) | 5 | 5th (120 reps) - (05:15) | 4 | 4th (106,6 kg) | 22 | 22nd (130 reps) - (15:00) | 1 | 1st (140 reps) - (07:17) |
1 | Joris Thijsse | CrossFit Duketown | 300 | 17 | 17th (180 reps) - (14:10) | 2 | 2nd (120 reps) - (04:09) | 8 | 8th (95 kg) | 1 | 1st (159 reps) - (15:00) | 2 | 2nd (140 reps) - (07:44) |
3 | Quint Verheul | S.O.R. | 400 | 8 | 8th (187 reps) - (12:51) | 4 | 4th (120 reps) - (05:08) | 3 | 3rd (110 kg) | 22 | 22nd (130 reps) - (15:00) | 3 | 3rd (140 reps) - (09:33) |
24 | Yann van den Boomen | The Local Gym | 1080 | 38 | 38th (156 reps) - (08:59) | 33 | 33rd (100 reps) - (08:00) | 13 | 13th (90 kg) | 20 | 20th (132 reps) - (15:00) | 4 | 4th (140 reps) - (09:39) |
9 | Juul Megens | CrossFit Duketown | 630 | 35 | 35th (157 reps) - (15:00) | 1 | 1st (120 reps) - (04:04) | 19 | 19th (85 kg) | 3 | 3rd (155 reps) - (15:00) | 5 | 5th (140 reps) - (09:56) |
7 | Gijs Abbring | FITTR CrossFit | 570 | 27 | 27th (167 reps) - (07:50) | 6 | 6th (120 reps) - (05:36) | 8 | 8th (95 kg) | 10 | 10th (144 reps) - (15:00) | 6 | 6th (140 reps) - (10:12) |
12 | Mike Bos | CrossFit 0174 | 750 | 31 | 31st (163 reps) - (08:29) | 16 | 16th (120 reps) - (06:46) | 6 | 6th (100 kg) | 15 | 15th (137 reps) - (15:00) | 7 | 7th (140 reps) - (10:36) |
4 | Nicky Advokaat | CrossFit Nieuwendijk | 420 | 12 | 12th (184 reps) - (13:34) | 3 | 3rd (120 reps) - (04:36) | 11 | 11th (92 kg) | 8 | 8th (148 reps) - (15:00) | 8 | 8th (140 reps) - (10:44) |
15 | Nard Hoefnagels | Impact Sports Academy | 880 | 6 | 6th (190 reps) - (14:41) | 31 | 31st (101 reps) - (08:00) | 22 | 22nd (81 kg) | 20 | 20th (132 reps) - (15:00) | 9 | 9th (140 reps) - (10:45) |
21 | Jasper Willemse- de Vries | FITTR CrossFit | 1040 | 25 | 25th (169 reps) - (07:19) | 24 | 24th (120 reps) - (07:59) | 12 | 12th (91 kg) | 33 | 33rd (125 reps) - (15:00) | 10 | 10th (140 reps) - (11:20) |
6 | René Brandenburg | CrossFit Rijswijk | 550 | 1 | 1st (196 reps) - (14:15) | 11 | 11th (120 reps) - (06:18) | 5 | 5th (101 kg) | 27 | 27th (128 reps) - (15:00) | 11 | 11th (140 reps) - (11:26) |
28 | Rein Smeets | FITTR CrossFit | 1360 | 30 | 30th (164 reps) - (07:30) | 28 | 28th (106 reps) - (08:00) | 40 | 40th (56,25 kg) | 26 | 26th (129 reps) - (15:00) | 12 | 12th (140 reps) - (11:30) |
2 | Edward van Ligten | FITTR CrossFit | 390 | 11 | 11th (184 reps) - (13:29) | 10 | 10th (120 reps) - (06:16) | 1 | 1st (111 kg) | 4 | 4th (153 reps) - (15:00) | 13 | 13th (140 reps) - (11:33) |
15 | Patrick Teeuwen | Crossletics Woerden | 880 | 10 | 10th (185 reps) - (14:31) | 19 | 19th (120 reps) - (07:21) | 16 | 16th (87,5 kg) | 29 | 29th (127 reps) - (15:00) | 14 | 14th (140 reps) - (11:39) |
35 | Remco Hornman | CrossFit Etten-Leur | 1440 | 37 | 37th (156 reps) - (08:27) | 29 | 29th (105 reps) - (08:00) | 36 | 36th (65 kg) | 27 | 27th (128 reps) - (15:00) | 15 | 15th (140 reps) - (11:59) |
37 | Martijn van Rijn | Gymbokx Helmond | 1530 | 29 | 29th (165 reps) - (15:00) | 40 | 40th (75 reps) - (08:00) | 30 | 30th (70 kg) | 38 | 38th (115 reps) - (15:00) | 16 | 16th (139 reps) - (TB: 08:22) |
22 | Rick Musters | FITTR CrossFit | 1060 | 32 | 32nd (161 reps) - (15:00) | 14 | 14th (120 reps) - (06:40) | 21 | 21st (81,6 kg) | 22 | 22nd (130 reps) - (15:00) | 17 | 17th (139 reps) - (TB: 08:40) |
26 | Marcel Graaf | FITTR CrossFit | 1320 | 28 | 28th (166 reps) - (14:46) | 36 | 36th (92 reps) - (08:00) | 34 | 34th (67,5 kg) | 16 | 16th (135 reps) - (15:00) | 18 | 18th (139 reps) - (TB: 08:50) |
11 | Martijn van Dijk | RAWFIT | 740 | 15 | 15th (183 reps) - (19:36) | 9 | 9th (120 reps) - (06:13) | 25 | 25th (75 kg) | 6 | 6th (151 reps) - (15:00) | 19 | 19th (139 reps) - (TB: 09:00) |
30 | Willem Zeiler | FITTR CrossFit | 1380 | 33 | 33rd (158 reps) - (07:33) | 38 | 38th (79 reps) - (08:00) | 18 | 18th (86 kg) | 29 | 29th (127 reps) - (15:00) | 20 | 20th (139 reps) - (TB: 09:10) |
5 | Tom Rijvers | RAWFIT | 460 | 5 | 5th (190 reps) - (14:05) | 6 | 6th (120 reps) - (05:36) | 10 | 10th (92,5 kg) | 4 | 4th (153 reps) - (15:00) | 21 | 21st (139 reps) - (TB: 09:29) |
33 | Remco Deleij | CrossFit MCA | 1430 | 20 | 20th (180 reps) - (14:48) | 37 | 37th (80 reps) - (08:00) | 30 | 30th (70 kg) | 34 | 34th (123 reps) - (15:00) | 22 | 22nd (139 reps) - (TB: 10:19) |
23 | Eelko Zegers | Impact Sports Academy | 1070 | 7 | 7th (189 reps) - (13:56) | 23 | 23rd (120 reps) - (07:56) | 37 | 37th (63 kg) | 17 | 17th (133 reps) - (15:00) | 23 | 23rd (139 reps) - (TB: 11:03) |
10 | Yoran van Dalsum | RAWFIT | 710 | 4 | 4th (193 reps) - (14:59) | 8 | 8th (120 reps) - (05:58) | 25 | 25th (75 kg) | 10 | 10th (144 reps) - (15:00) | 24 | 24th (139 reps) - (TB: 11:30) |
18 | Ralph Bliek | CrossFit Zuid | 930 | 18 | 18th (180 reps) - (14:30) | 20 | 20th (120 reps) - (07:28) | 13 | 13th (90 kg) | 17 | 17th (133 reps) - (15:00) | 25 | 25th (139 reps) - (TB: 13:19) |
31 | Martijn Lint | CrossFit Climbers Cabin | 1400 | 39 | 39th (156 reps) - (15:00) | 20 | 20th (120 reps) - (07:28) | 24 | 24th (77 kg) | 31 | 31st (126 reps) - (15:00) | 26 | 26th (135 reps) - (TB: 10:28) |
28 | Jordi Pellikaan | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 1360 | 19 | 19th (180 reps) - (14:42) | 24 | 24th (120 reps) - (07:59) | 30 | 30th (70 kg) | 36 | 36th (121 reps) - (15:00) | 27 | 27th (126 reps) - (TB: 10:16) |
17 | Klaas Kousemaker | RAWFIT | 900 | 21 | 21st (180 reps) - (14:54) | 14 | 14th (120 reps) - (06:40) | 25 | 25th (75 kg) | 2 | 2nd (156 reps) - (15:00) | 28 | 28th (118 reps) - (TB: 11:50) |
31 | Harvey Sufrain | CrossFit Etten-Leur | 1400 | 24 | 24th (170 reps) - (15:00) | 39 | 39th (76 reps) - (08:00) | 13 | 13th (90 kg) | 35 | 35th (122 reps) - (15:00) | 29 | 29th (115 reps) - (TB: 14:43) |
19 | Job Stribos | FITTR CrossFit | 970 | 9 | 9th (187 reps) - (14:07) | 12 | 12th (120 reps) - (06:20) | 39 | 39th (60 kg) | 7 | 7th (150 reps) - (15:00) | 30 | 30th (112 reps) - (TB: 05:54) |
20 | Martin van Vliet | CrossFit Climbers Cabin | 1000 | 13 | 13th (184 reps) - (14:01) | 18 | 18th (120 reps) - (07:14) | 30 | 30th (70 kg) | 8 | 8th (148 reps) - (15:00) | 31 | 31st (112 reps) - (TB: 07:59) |
25 | Gerben Westerlaken | CrossFit Nieuwendijk | 1260 | 16 | 16th (180 reps) - (13:58) | 26 | 26th (117 reps) - (08:00) | 35 | 35th (67 kg) | 17 | 17th (133 reps) - (15:00) | 32 | 32nd (112 reps) - (TB: 08:11) |
39 | Edward Rotmans | Unaffiliated | 1660 | 40 | 40th (153 reps) - (15:00) | 27 | 27th (109 reps) - (08:00) | 29 | 29th (71 kg) | 37 | 37th (119 reps) - (15:00) | 33 | 33rd (112 reps) - (TB: 08:41) |
40 | Stijn Leclercq | CrossFit Etten-Leur | 1720 | 44 | 44th (129 reps) - (08:00) | 31 | 31st (101 reps) - (08:00) | 41 | 41st (50 kg) | 22 | 22nd (130 reps) - (15:00) | 34 | 34th (85 reps) - (TB: 04:50) |
33 | Wijnand Kas | CrossFit Zuid | 1430 | 34 | 34th (157 reps) - (07:29) | 34 | 34th (97 reps) - (08:00) | 28 | 28th (72 kg) | 12 | 12th (143 reps) - (15:00) | 35 | 35th (84 reps) - (TB: 04:38) |
14 | Bras Faasse | CrossFit Climbers Cabin | 830 | 14 | 14th (184 reps) - (18:24) | 13 | 13th (120 reps) - (06:32) | 6 | 6th (100 kg) | 14 | 14th (140 reps) - (15:00) | 36 | 36th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
26 | Bram van Der Sande | CrossFit Duketown | 1320 | 22 | 22nd (172 reps) - (14:08) | 17 | 17th (120 reps) - (07:06) | 17 | 17th (87 kg) | 40 | 40th (114 reps) - (15:00) | 36 | 36th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
41 | Julio Villalba Recuerda | CrossFit Duketown | 1770 | 40 | 40th (153 reps) - (15:00) | 22 | 22nd (120 reps) - (07:45) | 38 | 38th (62 kg) | 41 | 41st (0 reps) - (15:00) | 36 | 36th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
13 | Lennard Duijvestijn | Impact Sports Academy | 820 | 3 | 3rd (193 reps) - (14:55) | 29 | 29th (105 reps) - (08:00) | 1 | 1st (111 kg) | 13 | 13th (142 reps) - (15:00) | 36 | 36th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
36 | Jacob Harders | SED CrossFit | 1450 | 23 | 23rd (170 reps) - (12:55) | 35 | 35th (94 reps) - (08:00) | 20 | 20th (84 kg) | 31 | 31st (126 reps) - (15:00) | 36 | 36th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
44 | Jan-Albert Noordstra | CrossFit Dokkum | 2020 | 42 | 42nd (150 reps) - (08:04) | 41 | 41st (0 reps) - (08:00) | 42 | 42nd (0 kg) | 41 | 41st (0 reps) - (15:00) | 36 | 36th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
43 | Mike van Dongen | FITTR CrossFit | 1960 | 36 | 36th (156 reps) - (07:24) | 41 | 41st (0 reps) - (08:00) | 42 | 42nd (0 kg) | 41 | 41st (0 reps) - (15:00) | 36 | 36th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
42 | Rowan van der Westen | FITTR CrossFit | 1810 | 43 | 43rd (146 reps) - (09:12) | 41 | 41st (0 reps) - (08:00) | 23 | 23rd (80 kg) | 38 | 38th (115 reps) - (15:00) | 36 | 36th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
38 | Thomas Jochems | CrossFit Etten-Leur | 1620 | 2 | 2nd (196 reps) - (14:50) | 41 | 41st (0 reps) - (08:00) | 42 | 42nd (0 kg) | 41 | 41st (0 reps) - (15:00) | 36 | 36th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
Overall Ranking | Name | Gym / Affiliate | Overall Points | 23.1 - Ranking | 23.1 - Score | 23.2A - Ranking | 23.2A - Score | 23.2B - Ranking | 23.2B - Score | 23.3 - Ranking | 23.3 - Score | 23.4 - Ranking | 23.4 - Score |
2 | Dewy de Bruijn | The Factory Sport and Fun | 290 | 6 | 6th (190 reps) - (12:45) | 8 | 8th (120 reps) - (06:03) | 13 | 13th (50 kg) | 1 | 1st (165 reps) - (15:00) | 1 | 1st (125 reps) - (08:56) |
5 | Janneke Winkel | Unaffiliated | 380 | 5 | 5th (193 reps) - (14:13) | 1 | 1st (120 reps) - (04:37) | 20 | 20th (45 kg) | 10 | 10th (147 reps) - (15:00) | 2 | 2nd (125 reps) - (09:51) |
3 | Cherisse Theves | CrossFit MCA | 300 | 7 | 7th (190 reps) - (13:10) | 3 | 3rd (120 reps) - (04:43) | 12 | 12th (51 kg) | 5 | 5th (157 reps) - (15:00) | 3 | 3rd (125 reps) - (10:56) |
6 | Inge van Bijsterveldt | The Factory Sport and Fun | 470 | 14 | 14th (167 reps) - (08:00) | 10 | 10th (120 reps) - (06:07) | 4 | 4th (55 kg) | 15 | 15th (139 reps) - (15:00) | 4 | 4th (125 reps) - (11:17) |
1 | Thinka de Graaf | CrossFit Etten-Leur | 260 | 4 | 4th (193 reps) - (13:52) | 5 | 5th (120 reps) - (05:21) | 4 | 4th (55 kg) | 8 | 8th (152 reps) - (15:00) | 5 | 5th (124 reps) - (TB: 08:14) |
12 | Priscilla Smits | CrossFit MCA | 770 | 22 | 22nd (161 reps) - (08:44) | 18 | 18th (108 reps) - (08:00) | 15 | 15th (48 kg) | 16 | 16th (136 reps) - (15:00) | 6 | 6th (124 reps) - (TB: 09:07) |
7 | Sophie Zomer | FITTR CrossFit | 550 | 16 | 16th (166 reps) - (07:48) | 14 | 14th (120 reps) - (07:12) | 11 | 11th (51,71 kg) | 7 | 7th (153 reps) - (15:00) | 7 | 7th (124 reps) - (TB: 09:10) |
14 | Barbara van den Bosch | The Local Gym | 780 | 18 | 18th (166 reps) - (08:13) | 13 | 13th (120 reps) - (07:02) | 31 | 31st (38,5 kg) | 8 | 8th (152 reps) - (15:00) | 8 | 8th (124 reps) - (TB: 09:45) |
3 | Eline Timmermans | Impact Sports Academy | 300 | 1 | 1st (197 reps) - (13:16) | 7 | 7th (120 reps) - (05:55) | 7 | 7th (53 kg) | 6 | 6th (155 reps) - (15:00) | 9 | 9th (117 reps) - (TB: 10:26) |
11 | Sanne Stevens | The Factory Sport and Fun | 680 | 19 | 19th (165 reps) - (07:08) | 6 | 6th (120 reps) - (05:54) | 30 | 30th (40 kg) | 3 | 3rd (160 reps) - (15:00) | 10 | 10th (116 reps) - (TB: 10:49) |
15 | Annie Kamminga | SED CrossFit | 800 | 10 | 10th (190 reps) - (16:34) | 12 | 12th (120 reps) - (06:58) | 33 | 33rd (35 kg) | 14 | 14th (141 reps) - (15:00) | 11 | 11th (113 reps) - (TB: 10:26) |
20 | Liz van Gils | FITTR CrossFit | 960 | 27 | 27th (156 reps) - (08:15) | 27 | 27th (92 reps) - (08:00) | 8 | 8th (52,5 kg) | 22 | 22nd (130 reps) - (15:00) | 12 | 12th (113 reps) - (TB: 11:00) |
16 | Aline van der Burg | CrossFit FNX | 820 | 12 | 12th (168 reps) - (08:20) | 30 | 30th (60 reps) - (08:00) | 2 | 2nd (63 kg) | 25 | 25th (121 reps) - (15:00) | 13 | 13th (108 reps) - (TB: 11:01) |
21 | Adinda Lammens | RAWFIT | 1030 | 26 | 26th (157 reps) - (10:00) | 24 | 24th (105 reps) - (08:00) | 20 | 20th (45 kg) | 19 | 19th (132 reps) - (15:00) | 14 | 14th (105 reps) - (TB: 11:37) |
10 | Suzan Dijkstra | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 670 | 9 | 9th (190 reps) - (14:32) | 15 | 15th (120 reps) - (07:17) | 17 | 17th (47 kg) | 11 | 11th (143 reps) - (15:00) | 15 | 15th (105 reps) - (TB: 11:41) |
25 | Sophie Donders | Impact Sports Academy | 1140 | 29 | 29th (151 reps) - (08:35) | 16 | 16th (120 reps) - (07:51) | 32 | 32nd (37 kg) | 21 | 21st (131 reps) - (15:00) | 16 | 16th (102 reps) - (TB: 08:56) |
17 | Sandra van der Hoff | FITTR CrossFit | 890 | 23 | 23rd (160 reps) - (07:51) | 17 | 17th (116 reps) - (08:00) | 8 | 8th (52,5 kg) | 24 | 24th (123 reps) - (15:00) | 17 | 17th (102 reps) - (TB: 11:55) |
9 | Lotte Gout | RAWFIT | 590 | 11 | 11th (183 reps) - (14:22) | 4 | 4th (120 reps) - (04:47) | 25 | 25th (42,5 kg) | 1 | 1st (165 reps) - (15:00) | 18 | 18th (100 reps) - (TB: 06:26) |
23 | Romy Alberda | Fittebaas coaching | 1100 | 34 | 34th (147 reps) - (03:46) | 9 | 9th (120 reps) - (06:05) | 20 | 20th (45 kg) | 28 | 28th (106 reps) - (15:00) | 19 | 19th (100 reps) - (TB: 07:17) |
12 | Tess van Gils | FITTR CrossFit | 770 | 15 | 15th (167 reps) - (08:12) | 11 | 11th (120 reps) - (06:36) | 8 | 8th (52,5 kg) | 23 | 23rd (126 reps) - (15:00) | 20 | 20th (100 reps) - (TB: 08:09) |
19 | Layla Moerenhout | Impact Sports Academy | 950 | 13 | 13th (167 reps) - (07:43) | 18 | 18th (108 reps) - (08:00) | 24 | 24th (43 kg) | 19 | 19th (132 reps) - (15:00) | 21 | 21st (100 reps) - (TB: 08:53) |
31 | Myrna Hermans | 0187 Barbell Gym | 1260 | 28 | 28th (155 reps) - (07:55) | 32 | 32nd (29 reps) - (08:00) | 27 | 27th (42 kg) | 17 | 17th (134 reps) - (15:00) | 22 | 22nd (100 reps) - (TB: 09:51) |
24 | Romy Ceuleers | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 1130 | 31 | 31st (150 reps) - (09:15) | 29 | 29th (77 reps) - (08:00) | 1 | 1st (78 kg) | 29 | 29th (98 reps) - (15:00) | 23 | 23rd (91 reps) - (TB: 09:24) |
18 | Carina van Driel | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 920 | 20 | 20th (162 reps) - (07:28) | 18 | 18th (108 reps) - (08:00) | 27 | 27th (42 kg) | 3 | 3rd (160 reps) - (15:00) | 24 | 24th (89 reps) - (TB: 09:50) |
33 | Linda van Hulten | RAWFIT | 1300 | 36 | 36th (136 reps) - (10:00) | 31 | 31st (59 reps) - (08:00) | 25 | 25th (42,5 kg) | 13 | 13th (142 reps) - (15:00) | 25 | 25th (75 reps) - (TB: 12:00) |
8 | Anne Wouters | Impact Sports Academy | 570 | 3 | 3rd (193 reps) - (13:04) | 2 | 2nd (120 reps) - (04:40) | 15 | 15th (48 kg) | 11 | 11th (143 reps) - (15:00) | 26 | 26th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
35 | Cristina Nitu | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 1440 | 33 | 33rd (148 reps) - (08:54) | 33 | 33rd (0 reps) - (08:00) | 34 | 34th (0 kg) | 18 | 18th (133 reps) - (15:00) | 26 | 26th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
22 | Sabrina van den Goorbergh | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 1080 | 30 | 30th (150 reps) - (08:48) | 23 | 23rd (106 reps) - (08:00) | 3 | 3rd (56 kg) | 26 | 26th (115 reps) - (15:00) | 26 | 26th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
27 | Linda Lemmens | BFit013 | 1170 | 21 | 21st (162 reps) - (08:19) | 26 | 26th (100 reps) - (08:00) | 17 | 17th (47 kg) | 27 | 27th (113 reps) - (15:00) | 26 | 26th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
29 | Katrien van Bommel | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 1190 | 24 | 24th (160 reps) - (08:06) | 33 | 33rd (0 reps) - (08:00) | 6 | 6th (54 kg) | 30 | 30th (0 reps) - (15:00) | 26 | 26th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
34 | Mariek Janssens | FITTR CrossFit | 1320 | 35 | 35th (142 reps) - (15:00) | 28 | 28th (81 reps) - (08:00) | 13 | 13th (50 kg) | 30 | 30th (0 reps) - (15:00) | 26 | 26th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
32 | Corianne de Jonge | SED CrossFit | 1270 | 32 | 32nd (149 reps) - (08:48) | 22 | 22nd (107 reps) - (08:00) | 17 | 17th (47 kg) | 30 | 30th (0 reps) - (15:00) | 26 | 26th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
25 | Jannie Jansen | FITTR CrossFit | 1140 | 17 | 17th (166 reps) - (08:07) | 18 | 18th (108 reps) - (08:00) | 23 | 23rd (44,5 kg) | 30 | 30th (0 reps) - (15:00) | 26 | 26th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
27 | Cassandra van Haasteren | Impact Sports Academy | 1170 | 8 | 8th (190 reps) - (13:25) | 24 | 24th (105 reps) - (08:00) | 29 | 29th (40,05 kg) | 30 | 30th (0 reps) - (15:00) | 26 | 26th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
30 | Suzanne Beckers | RAWFIT | 1250 | 2 | 2nd (196 reps) - (15:00) | 33 | 33rd (0 reps) - (08:00) | 34 | 34th (0 kg) | 30 | 30th (0 reps) - (15:00) | 26 | 26th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
36 | Amber Pontus | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 1480 | 25 | 25th (158 reps) - (07:12) | 33 | 33rd (0 reps) - (08:00) | 34 | 34th (0 kg) | 30 | 30th (0 reps) - (15:00) | 26 | 26th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
Overall Ranking | Name | Gym / Affiliate | Overall Points | 23.1 - Ranking | 23.1 - Score | 23.2A - Ranking | 23.2A - Score | 23.2B - Ranking | 23.2B - Score | 23.3 - Ranking | 23.3 - Score | 23.4 - Ranking | 23.4 - Score |
1 | Thomas Syx | CrossFit NIMBL | 120 | 1 | 1st (137 reps) - (09:37) | 4 | 4th (120 reps) - (04:39) | 4 | 4th (65 kg) | 2 | 2nd (122 reps) - (15:00) | 1 | 1st (140 reps) - (09:18) |
1 | Benjamin Meeuse | FITTR CrossFit | 120 | 2 | 2nd (133 reps) - (09:26) | 1 | 1st (120 reps) - (03:30) | 1 | 1st (106,14 kg) | 6 | 6th (100 reps) - (15:00) | 2 | 2nd (140 reps) - (10:03) |
4 | Levi Sierat | FITTR CrossFit | 200 | 8 | 8th (100 reps) - (03:31) | 3 | 3rd (120 reps) - (04:22) | 2 | 2nd (85 kg) | 4 | 4th (104 reps) - (15:00) | 3 | 3rd (140 reps) - (10:48) |
5 | Rob van den Oort | Unaffiliated | 240 | 3 | 3rd (132 reps) - (09:18) | 7 | 7th (120 reps) - (06:11) | 7 | 7th (57 kg) | 3 | 3rd (107 reps) - (15:00) | 4 | 4th (139 reps) - (TB: 07:56) |
3 | Sebastiaan Kolijn | CrossFit Climbers Cabin | 160 | 5 | 5th (127 reps) - (07:34) | 2 | 2nd (120 reps) - (03:53) | 3 | 3rd (80 kg) | 1 | 1st (141 reps) - (15:00) | 5 | 5th (139 reps) - (TB: 08:58) |
8 | Robin Janssen | CrossFit Climbers Cabin | 330 | 6 | 6th (125 reps) - (09:45) | 8 | 8th (120 reps) - (07:10) | 8 | 8th (50 kg) | 5 | 5th (101 reps) - (15:00) | 6 | 6th (139 reps) - (TB: 09:10) |
7 | Vincent Honings | CrossFit Nieuwendijk | 320 | 7 | 7th (109 reps) - (03:45) | 6 | 6th (120 reps) - (06:01) | 5 | 5th (60 kg) | 7 | 7th (0 reps) - (15:00) | 7 | 7th (113 reps) - (TB: 08:46) |
6 | Thijs Akkermans | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 290 | 4 | 4th (130 reps) - (10:00) | 5 | 5th (120 reps) - (05:38) | 5 | 5th (60 kg) | 7 | 7th (0 reps) - (15:00) | 8 | 8th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
Overall Ranking | Name | Gym / Affiliate | Overall Points | 23.1 - Ranking | 23.1 - Score | 23.2A - Ranking | 23.2A - Score | 23.2B - Ranking | 23.2B - Score | 23.3 - Ranking | 23.3 - Score | 23.4 - Ranking | 23.4 - Score |
1 | Famke Kin | The Factory Sport and Fun | 220 | 12 | 12th (130 reps) - (07:36) | 5 | 5th (120 reps) - (03:20) | 1 | 1st (57,5 kg) | 3 | 3rd (147 reps) - (15:00) | 1 | 1st (125 reps) - (07:24) |
3 | Brenda Veltink | SED CrossFit | 330 | 13 | 13th (130 reps) - (08:04) | 8 | 8th (120 reps) - (03:32) | 8 | 8th (48,5 kg) | 2 | 2nd (150 reps) - (15:00) | 2 | 2nd (125 reps) - (07:56) |
7 | Marleen Mulder | SED CrossFit | 500 | 17 | 17th (130 reps) - (08:58) | 15 | 15th (120 reps) - (04:41) | 10 | 10th (45 kg) | 5 | 5th (144 reps) - (15:00) | 3 | 3rd (125 reps) - (08:15) |
4 | Anouk Goedhart | CrossFit MCA | 390 | 11 | 11th (130 reps) - (07:35) | 9 | 9th (120 reps) - (03:40) | 7 | 7th (49 kg) | 8 | 8th (136 reps) - (15:00) | 4 | 4th (125 reps) - (08:38) |
13 | Alex de Waal | CrossFit 013 | 660 | 24 | 24th (130 reps) - (09:40) | 7 | 7th (120 reps) - (03:31) | 10 | 10th (45 kg) | 20 | 20th (119 reps) - (15:00) | 5 | 5th (125 reps) - (08:50) |
7 | Caitlin Tompkins | SED CrossFit | 500 | 14 | 14th (130 reps) - (08:26) | 4 | 4th (120 reps) - (03:18) | 16 | 16th (43 kg) | 10 | 10th (133 reps) - (15:00) | 6 | 6th (125 reps) - (09:00) |
6 | Karlijn Derks | Impact Sports Academy | 470 | 1 | 1st (138 reps) - (08:15) | 13 | 13th (120 reps) - (04:24) | 16 | 16th (43 kg) | 10 | 10th (133 reps) - (15:00) | 7 | 7th (125 reps) - (09:02) |
13 | Geertje Lensen | CrossFit Duketown | 660 | 27 | 27th (106 reps) - (10:00) | 3 | 3rd (120 reps) - (02:55) | 5 | 5th (50 kg) | 23 | 23rd (108 reps) - (15:00) | 8 | 8th (125 reps) - (09:02) |
10 | Danée van Eerde | SED CrossFit | 510 | 15 | 15th (130 reps) - (08:33) | 12 | 12th (120 reps) - (04:06) | 3 | 3rd (51,5 kg) | 12 | 12th (131 reps) - (15:00) | 9 | 9th (125 reps) - (09:30) |
15 | Lana van Bilsum | FITTR CrossFit | 710 | 8 | 8th (132 reps) - (09:58) | 14 | 14th (120 reps) - (04:30) | 20 | 20th (42 kg) | 19 | 19th (120 reps) - (15:00) | 10 | 10th (125 reps) - (09:35) |
7 | Simone van Berkel | CrossFit Climbers Cabin | 500 | 9 | 9th (131 reps) - (08:49) | 6 | 6th (120 reps) - (03:26) | 10 | 10th (45 kg) | 14 | 14th (129 reps) - (15:00) | 11 | 11th (125 reps) - (09:40) |
18 | Sanne van de Wiel | The Factory Sport and Fun | 870 | 16 | 16th (130 reps) - (08:40) | 18 | 18th (120 reps) - (05:02) | 29 | 29th (35 kg) | 12 | 12th (131 reps) - (15:00) | 12 | 12th (125 reps) - (09:44) |
15 | Lona Rooijakkers | Unaffiliated | 710 | 7 | 7th (133 reps) - (09:31) | 19 | 19th (120 reps) - (05:40) | 26 | 26th (37,5 kg) | 6 | 6th (141 reps) - (15:00) | 13 | 13th (125 reps) - (09:56) |
2 | Anniek Baijens | CrossFit NIMBL | 280 | 2 | 2nd (137 reps) - (07:31) | 1 | 1st (120 reps) - (02:45) | 10 | 10th (45 kg) | 1 | 1st (153 reps) - (15:00) | 14 | 14th (125 reps) - (10:26) |
18 | Beau van den Oort | CrossFit MCA | 870 | 3 | 3rd (136 reps) - (06:56) | 21 | 21st (120 reps) - (05:45) | 20 | 20th (42 kg) | 28 | 28th (97 reps) - (15:00) | 15 | 15th (125 reps) - (10:35) |
21 | Priscilla Bosch | CrossFit Etten-Leur | 950 | 28 | 28th (105 reps) - (03:20) | 19 | 19th (120 reps) - (05:40) | 5 | 5th (50 kg) | 27 | 27th (101 reps) - (15:00) | 16 | 16th (125 reps) - (10:57) |
5 | Coco van de Weijenberg | CrossFit Duketown | 420 | 5 | 5th (136 reps) - (08:43) | 2 | 2nd (120 reps) - (02:53) | 9 | 9th (48 kg) | 9 | 9th (135 reps) - (15:00) | 17 | 17th (125 reps) - (11:00) |
17 | Susanne Wijnbergh | Impact Sports Academy | 820 | 20 | 20th (130 reps) - (09:14) | 16 | 16th (120 reps) - (04:55) | 4 | 4th (50,5 kg) | 24 | 24th (107 reps) - (15:00) | 18 | 18th (125 reps) - (11:16) |
22 | Marike van Meerendonk | CrossFit Etten-Leur | 1000 | 18 | 18th (130 reps) - (09:00) | 25 | 25th (120 reps) - (07:22) | 31 | 31st (33 kg) | 7 | 7th (139 reps) - (15:00) | 19 | 19th (125 reps) - (11:26) |
12 | Monique van der Heijden | CrossFit NIMBL | 650 | 4 | 4th (136 reps) - (08:26) | 10 | 10th (120 reps) - (03:53) | 16 | 16th (43 kg) | 15 | 15th (128 reps) - (15:00) | 20 | 20th (125 reps) - (11:51) |
10 | Sandra Knook | Koffie & Kilo’s Barbellclub | 510 | 6 | 6th (134 reps) - (07:44) | 11 | 11th (120 reps) - (03:55) | 10 | 10th (45 kg) | 3 | 3rd (147 reps) - (15:00) | 21 | 21st (125 reps) - (11:52) |
24 | Annie Jansen | FITTR CrossFit | 1030 | 10 | 10th (131 reps) - (09:12) | 23 | 23rd (120 reps) - (06:09) | 32 | 32nd (30,87 kg) | 16 | 16th (127 reps) - (15:00) | 22 | 22nd (124 reps) - (TB: 09:45) |
20 | Wendy Koning | CrossFit Dokkum | 900 | 23 | 23rd (130 reps) - (09:35) | 24 | 24th (120 reps) - (06:20) | 2 | 2nd (57 kg) | 18 | 18th (123 reps) - (15:00) | 23 | 23rd (124 reps) - (TB: 10:12) |
27 | Saskia van de Water - Bambacht | CrossFit FNX | 1310 | 33 | 33rd (90 reps) - (04:07) | 27 | 27th (115 reps) - (08:00) | 16 | 16th (43 kg) | 31 | 31st (72 reps) - (15:00) | 24 | 24th (117 reps) - (TB: 10:24) |
28 | Els Joosen | CrossFit Etten-Leur | 1340 | 21 | 21st (130 reps) - (09:21) | 34 | 34th (72 reps) - (08:00) | 29 | 29th (35 kg) | 25 | 25th (106 reps) - (15:00) | 25 | 25th (112 reps) - (TB: 11:02) |
29 | Marlies van Adrighem | 0187 Barbell Gym | 1350 | 32 | 32nd (90 reps) - (04:06) | 26 | 26th (118 reps) - (08:00) | 22 | 22nd (40 kg) | 29 | 29th (88 reps) - (15:00) | 26 | 26th (56 reps) - (TB: 10:37) |
26 | Kelly Cardinaal | Unbroken CrossFit & Fight Academy | 1280 | 22 | 22nd (130 reps) - (09:27) | 28 | 28th (114 reps) - (08:00) | 34 | 34th (28,5 kg) | 17 | 17th (124 reps) - (15:00) | 27 | 27th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
25 | Evi Saey | CrossFit Down to Earth | 1210 | 30 | 30th (96 reps) - (10:00) | 22 | 22nd (120 reps) - (05:47) | 22 | 22nd (40 kg) | 20 | 20th (119 reps) - (15:00) | 27 | 27th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
22 | Chantal van Schaik | FITTR CrossFit | 1000 | 19 | 19th (130 reps) - (09:05) | 17 | 17th (120 reps) - (05:01) | 15 | 15th (43,5 kg) | 22 | 22nd (112 reps) - (15:00) | 27 | 27th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
32 | Marije Vreeswijk | 0187 Barbell Gym | 1440 | 35 | 35th (72 reps) - (04:22) | 30 | 30th (109 reps) - (08:00) | 26 | 26th (37,5 kg) | 26 | 26th (103 reps) - (15:00) | 27 | 27th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
35 | Mariël Schonenberg | FITTR CrossFit | 1580 | 34 | 34th (86 reps) - (04:59) | 32 | 32nd (90 reps) - (08:00) | 35 | 35th (27,5 kg) | 30 | 30th (75 reps) - (15:00) | 27 | 27th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
30 | Nicole Bontekoe | Iron Helix | 1410 | 25 | 25th (130 reps) - (15:00) | 31 | 31st (100 reps) - (08:00) | 26 | 26th (37,5 kg) | 32 | 32nd (0 reps) - (15:00) | 27 | 27th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
31 | Kim van Dongen-Heiblom | FITTR CrossFit | 1430 | 29 | 29th (100 reps) - (04:22) | 33 | 33rd (81 reps) - (08:00) | 22 | 22nd (40 kg) | 32 | 32nd (0 reps) - (15:00) | 27 | 27th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
33 | Cynthia Wolff | FITTR CrossFit | 1470 | 26 | 26th (120 reps) - (09:40) | 29 | 29th (111 reps) - (08:00) | 33 | 33rd (28,6 kg) | 32 | 32nd (0 reps) - (15:00) | 27 | 27th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
34 | Ilse Van der Welle | 0187 Barbell Gym | 1520 | 36 | 36th (70 reps) - (03:58) | 35 | 35th (53 reps) - (08:00) | 22 | 22nd (40 kg) | 32 | 32nd (0 reps) - (15:00) | 27 | 27th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |
36 | Marianne Vlijm | FITTR CrossFit | 1620 | 31 | 31st (95 reps) - (10:00) | 36 | 36th (0 reps) - (08:00) | 36 | 36th (0 kg) | 32 | 32nd (0 reps) - (15:00) | 27 | 27th (0 reps) - (TB: 00:00) |