20 Cal Row
20 Dumbbell Ground To Overhead, 15kg ♂ / 10kg ♀
15 Burpees Over The Bar
15 Deadlift @ 40kg ♂ / 25kg ♀
– Tiebreak
If completed before the 5-minute time cap, add 5 minutes to the time cap for a total of 10 minutes and complete:
20 Cal Row
20 Dumbbell Ground To Overhead, 15kg ♂ / 10kg ♀
15 Leg Raises
15 Cleans @ 40kg ♂ / 25kg ♀
– Tiebreak
If completed before the 10-minute time cap, add 5 minutes to the time cap for a total of 15 minutes and complete:
20 Cal Row
20 Dumbbell Ground To Overhead, 15kg ♂ / 10kg ♀
15 Pull-ups
15 Clean & Jerk @ 40kg ♂ / 25kg ♀
– Tiebreak
If completed before the 15-minute time cap, add 5 minutes to the time cap for a total of 20 minutes and complete:
15 Cal Row
15 Dumbbell Ground To Overhead, 22,5kg ♂ / 15kg ♀
10 Toes-to-bar
10 Clean & Jerk @ 50kg ♂ / 35kg ♀
– Tiebreak
If completed before the 20-minute time cap, add 5 minutes to the time cap for a total of 25 minutes and complete:
15 Cal Row
15 Dumbbell Ground To Overhead, 22,5kg ♂ / 15kg ♀
10 Chest-to-bar
10 Snatch @ 50kg ♂ / 35kg ♀
– Tiebreak
If completed before the 25-minute time cap, add 5 minutes to the time cap for a total of 30 minutes and complete:
15 Cal Row
15 Dumbbell Ground To Overhead, 22,5kg ♂ / 15kg ♀
10 Muscle-ups
10 Snatch @ 60kg ♂ / 40kg ♀